
Registrations for this summer’s US National Conference have surged past the 600 mark. Of those, 110 are children and teens.

The schedule has been updated on the website, with a variety of additions.

Workshops are still being finalized. A number of them are now listed on the website.


We’re almost to 600 registration for this summer’s US National Conference. And three weeks remain before the June 1 early-registration deadline.

Our keynote speaker this year (Wednesday and Thursday nights), is Dave Engbrecht. Dave has been the senior pastor of Nappanee Missionary Church (Nappanee, Ind.) since 1979. A gifted communicator, Dave’s humor, personable style, passion for developing fully committed disciples, and commitment to world missions is well reflected in his messages. Dave has been the featured speaker in venues across the nation and around the world.

The 26 proposals for revising the UB Discipline have been finalized. You can download them from the National Conference website. Other reports will soon be added to that page.

Harmonie House at Mattru Hospital

Harmonie House at Mattru Hospital

The large central room.

The large central room.

The kitchen in disrepair.

The kitchen in disrepair.

Global Ministries is looking for individuals to become part of a construction team to do building restoration on Harmonie House on the Mattru Hospital compound. In the past, Harmonie House was a dormitory for nurses. It will be used to house medical teams and personnel working at Mattru Hospital.

The trip will take place in January 10-24, 2014. We would like to send a team of at least 6 individuals who have a knowledge of general construction. Requirements for this trip include the following:

  • A current passport that will not expire within six months of the January departure date.
  • A yellow fever immunization (these can be obtained from the county health department).
  • Immunizations are also suggested for the following: cholera, tetanus, hepatitis A & B battery, plus a script for doxycycline, the anti-malarial med that works in Sierra Leone.

Global Ministries will work with each applicant in acquiring a special entry visa into Sierra Leone.

For more information and an application form, please contact Donna Hollopeter at 888-622-3019 ext. 306, or by sending an email to [email protected]

Todd Agnew

Todd Agnew

Friday, June 28, will be a special day at the US National Conference. We’ll have workshops in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, everyone will travel down the road to Huntington University, where we’ll have the run of the campus. There will be tours of various buildings. An open house at the UB Historical Center. Inflatable games for kids. A picnic BBQ supper.

And a concluding worship concert with Todd Agnew.

Todd Agnew is a contemporary Christian musician and songwriter from Dallas, Texas. He is best known for writing the song “Grace Like Rain,” a version of the hymn “Amazing Grace.” Agnew has put out seven albums.

Agnew was born in Dallas, Texas, to a Native American mother, but was adopted at birth by a Caucasian couple. In 1999, Agnew began traveling to Memphis to help with a city-wide Bible study for college students and singles. During this time he began writing and introducing songs to the group which would later become songs on the record “Grace Like Rain.” He eventually move to Memphis to help plant a church, which developed through the Bible study into Highpoint Church. After a number of years touring out of Memphis, Agnew was married in 2008 and moved back to Texas. He currently lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Jenny, and two children.

We look forward to worshiping under Todd Agnew’s leadership on that Friday night.

Members of the nominating committee (l-r): Kevin Cherry, Jody Harr, Craig Burkholder, Greg Helman, Randy Carpenter.

Members of the nominating committee (l-r): Kevin Cherry, Jody Harr, Craig Burkholder, Greg Helman, Randy Carpenter.

A nominating committee is at work developing two ballots for the upcoming US National Conference:

  1. Bishop. Every four years, we elect a bishop. This is the year for that.
  2. ELT members. Every two years, we elect 8 members of the Executive Leadership Team–a minister and a layperson from each of the four regions. (Here is the current ELT.)

The nominating committee consists of:

  • Kevin Cherry (chairman), senior pastor of Heart O the Lakes UB in Brooklyn, Mich.
  • Jody Harr, senior pastor of First UB church in Van Wert, Ohio.
  • Craig Burkholder, senior pastor of Hudson UB church in Hudson, Ind.
  • Greg Helman, senior pastor of Blue Rock UB church in Waynesboro, Pa.
  • Randy Carpenter, senior pastor of Sunfield UB church in Sunfield, Mich.

The nominating committee will present its report directly to the National Conference. When the report is finalized (probably not until May or June), it will be published on the US National Conference website under the “Business” tab.