Juanita Chavez and pastors during a prayer time.

Juanita Chavez climbing the hill to the church.

A small group session on the mountain.

Juanita Chavez, Superintendent of Honduras Conference

Our trip to the remote region of Cañada Galana was extremely interesting. It was very healthy to conduct a training session with the 13 pastors of District No. 1, experience meeting new brothers, and be together praising the Lord in an open-air service. The service began at 6 pm and concluded at 10 pm. It was held against a background of beautiful mountains, sky, and moon.

The beauty of this is that the places where the Lord is allowing us to visit are enthusiastically embracing the agenda of the “Vision of the Church” (church planting). God willing, on April 23-24 we’ll conduct another training workshop with all of the pastors and two leaders from each congregation.

We are always reviewing and enjoying UBCentral. It’s great to see all photos from General Conference, and we pray that we remain a blessing around the world. May God bless all those who have contributed support for Haiti.

L-r: Scott Hughes (from Mainstreet Church, Walbridge, Ohio, Dr. Owen Gordon (Western District superintendent), Rev. Isaac Nuggent (Central Distrist superintendent), Rev. Lebert Thompson (Eastern District superintendent), Bishop Winston Smith, Rev. Jeff Bleijerveld (Director of Global Ministries).

UB members from all across Jamaica gather at Kendal Camp to fellowship in the Lord

The message on "Godly Leadership" by Bishop Winston Smith.

The prayer for the pastors and their families.

Written by Deon McLennon

Jamaica National Conference concluded its 59th annual conference on Sunday, March 14. UB members from all across Jamaica gather at Kendal Camp for the event.

The worship service began with praise and worship being led by the Burnt Savannah praise team, after which Rev. Courtney Morgan opened in prayer. This was followed by the welcome by welcome by Dr. Owen Gordon the western district superintendent. The scripture reading was taken from Ezekiel 34:1-16.

The songs “We will Remember” and “A New Hallelujah” were sung by the combined senior choir and combined junior choir respectively. Jeff Bleijerveld brought greetings from Global Ministries.

Bishop Winston Smith delivered a sterling sermon on godly Leadership which inspired us all to aspire to be godly leaders. After the sermon, the congregation sang “Sound the Battle Cry.” We then had a communion service.

The evening session included the best of youth rally 2010 and was highlighted by the charge from Rev. Dr. Lloyd Spencer and the ordination of Pastor Baldwin Peterkin. The resolution was read by Sister Carolyn Johnson, which was followed by a prayer for the pastors and their families, followed by the close of the conference.

I’ve been attending Jamaica’s annual conference this week. I don’t usually report on finances when I visit a national conference, but Jamaica Conference deserves special recognition.

Until 2004, Jamaica Conference was receiving an appropriation of about $20,000 from Global Ministries. But the practice of giving appropriations for conference operations ended that year.

The follow year, Jamaica ended the year with a deficit of approximately $23,500 US. However this situation has improved steadily. In 2008 they finished the year with a surplus of $8600 US.

In 2009 they ended the year with a surplus of $11,300 US. But note that last year they also paid off debts on three properties (Malvern, Hazard, and Iterboreale) and raised $24,000 for missions for a total of $11,400 in spending beyond what they had budgeted. All this during a time of recession.

In 2010 they plan to continue improving their pastors’ pensions and provide life insurance. They also hope to hire an administrative bishop to free Bishop Winston Smith to spend more time coaching pastors and encouraging the growth of the conference. All this while maintaining their commitment to raise funds for missions.

What a tremendous model for other conferences! Congratulations to Bishop Smith and his team.

Much progress has been made in renovating Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone. After attending a meeting of the Mattru Hospital Medical Board, the United Nations representative was so impressed that she went back to Freetown and wrote a check for the balance of the renovations.

Some of the work that has been done:

  • The maternity ward has been renovated with a new roof, new ceiling, and new delivery rooms.
  • The laboratory has new shelving and new tile work.
  • The surgery room is renovated
  • Housing area for two Nigerian mid-wives has been completely renovated.
  • The Danke Koroma Foundation will completely renovate another building at their expense.
  • The nation’s First Lady has chosen to renovate the doctor’s residence.

The Kline family

David and Melissa Kline and children arrived back in the States after the long flight from Macau. They stopped in the Healthy Ministry Resources office briefly yesterday.

They’ll spend a week in Huntington, then head to Florida for a couple weeks of vacation. After that, they’ll be visiting a number of supporting churches and doing other traveling.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries, is currently attending Jamaica National Conference. He will speak during the Thursday night service on March 11. He’ll fly back to the States on Monday, March 15.

About 135 children in India are being sponsored through the Beautiful Family ministry. These are children whose parents (or they themselves) have leprosy or whose parents are HIV positive (or have died from AIDS). The sponsors include United Brethren individuals, churches, WMF groups, and Sunday school classes.

Global Ministries has information about seven more children who need sponsors.

$20 per month supplies one child with all school supplies, books, clothing, food, and medical needs. They stay in a “hostel” which is like a dorm, and only go home periodically for holidays. They are taught Bible stories, songs and Bible verses, so they are receiving a Christian religious background as well as their regular education through this support.
Contact Darlene in the Global Ministries Office for more information and a pledge sheet.

Toll-free: 888-622-3019, ext. 312
Email: [email protected]

We received a newsletter from Roger and Marilyn Reeck, endorsed missionaries with Wycliffe serving in Honduras, on March 2. Some excerpts:

It is now more than three months since Roger fell and severed his quadriceps tendon (above the knee). For him, these have been very difficult times as the pain has been quite intense. This has been aggravated with the rainy weather that we have had all during this time.

On December 31 the cast was removed, but unfortunately he did not receive the correct physical therapy. He tried out several places here in La Ceiba and saw different doctors. We became more convinced that something was wrong because of the swelling and redness of the knee, and finally an MRI was taken. This revealed that liquid had accumulated in the affected area and that the healing process was not progressing as fast as normal. He is now receiving the physical therapy that he needs.

Roger had planned to travel to Suriname, South America, on February 17 to hold a two-week One Story workshop for two different language groups. A few days prior we had to call it off. The next trip planned is to spend six weeks in Africa, leaving on March 21! Two of those weeks are a One Story workshop, and then he will check three different translations.

At the moment we are seeking the Lord’s will in this. Please pray that the Lord will guide us in this important decision. At this moment it is hard to know of the advisability of this and if he will be ready to travel by then.

In the middle of this difficult time, many wonderful things have been happening!

  • A follow-up One Story workshop was held here January 14-22 for two language groups who are now on the way to finishing up their story sets.
  • A construction crew of 12 men from Minnesota came to build a home for a lady in a wheelchair, replace the roof on the Garifuna Bible School building, and do several other projects.
  • The Garifuna Bible School started their new school year last week with 20 enthusiastic students. The school is now in its second year and is a wonderful dream come true.
  • At the moment there are only 120 Garifuna Bibles left of the 5000 that were printed. Soon there will be a shortage. The Bible Society plans a reprint. We are anxious to see that happen, since more and more people are purchasing Bibles and we will run out fast.
  • Tomorrow Marilyn and team will travel to a Garifuna town five hours away where a Scripture Use Worshop for 50 plus pastors will be held. The purpose of the workshop is to encourage the pastors to use their Garifuna Bibles. Many still tend to use the Spanish Bible more.

One of the Bethel women and Bible School children

Four women from Bethel UB (Elmore, Ohio) traveled to Jamaica February 16-23 to work at the Craighead United Brethren church: Melissa Blausey (over a dozen previous visits), Vicki Kreinbihl (her first trip), Paula Shaffer (3rd trip), and Betty Brown (6th trip). They worked with a Bible School in the church and built relationships in the area.

They took $651 to help pay for steps to the church, which are being finished now. They also took about 55 pairs of shoes, 136 boxes of crayons, and other supplies.

The Bethel church has been involved at Craighead for many years, since Dave Datema was the pastor. Several years ago they put a good-sized addition on the church, minus the floor and roof. A group of women returned about three years ago with $6000 so they could add a roof. The men of Craighead did all the work. Last year they took money to get the windows put in.

Follow the link to read excerpts from Betty Brown’s journal, starting from their arrival at the Montego Bay airport on February 16.