March 31, 2010
We headed back to Freetown from Bo, passing mud brick homes with thatched roofs. The road from Bo to Freetown is completely paved, so it’s an easy trip.
We visited the farm in Waima yesterday with Billy Simbo and Randy Fennig. They’re doing a lot of experimental stuff to find out what works best. Randy has a great team working with him, mostly young guys keen to learn and be discipled.
From there we visited the village of Waima. Kids were either all over us or running in the other direction. We had a lunch they prepared with rice from the first harvest.
Later in the afternoon we visited Mattru Hospital. It was good to hear of people that have come to Christ recently and of the improvements being made with help from Global Ministries, the First Lady’s Foundation, and the United Nations. We had a serious discussion about the need for reports and financial updates, and they responded very well. The new doctor’s name is Dr. Skahr Lemgor. Rev Tom Macavoray of Riverside UB is the acting administrator.
This morning we visited briefly with Rev. John Labor and greeted Rev. Emmanuel Farma in Bo. We also met with some of the UBC leaders and discussed the water filter project that Brian and Gail Welch have proposed. The conference is very interested in helping to work with towns, villages, hospitals, schools, and orphanages that could benefit from the placement of sand filters. Due to the need to periodically maintain the filter, volunteers from local churches will need to make regular visits. It is hoped that the contact from UBC members will lead to opportunities to share the gospel and even plant new churches.
After this meeting we met with the president of the Rotary Club in Bo. Wil Kline, member of the Rotary Club in Huntington, Ind., delivered greetings and some small gifts. We delivered a proposal from the Welches that would link US and Sierra Leonian Rotarians and result in some matching grants to further support the water filtration project.
We’ll be having lunch with the Fennigs and Billy Simbo in Jui to continue discussing the agri-business projects and other business-as-mission initiatives. Randy and Toni have really thrown themselves into their work at the Evangelical College of Theology and the farm project. They are mentoring students and workers everywhere they go and are making an impact on people’s lives.
Jeff Sherlock and Wil Kline have also been a real blessing. Our first few days we spent a lot of time listening and asking questions, but it seems the creative juices are flowing at this point, and we’re having great discussions about both the near and distant future.
Things all seem to be falling nicely into place at every stop. We can certainly tell that we are being prayed for and that God’s hand is upon us.