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Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

During the recent Pastors’ Tour of Haiti September 9-16, the team was able to visit with 80 United Brethren members receiving training in small business development. Training of this nature is one of the best solutions to poverty as people are provided an opportunity, not a hand out.

The training was provided through a generous grant to our partners CH Global. The instructor, Eric Musee a Kenyan national, is the director of Go Ye Africa. Eric trains and coaches church planters throughout Africa, many of whom support themselves through small business. However, he had never been invited to Haiti before. The students were surprised at the similarities in their circumstances and responded well to receiving this training from an African brother in Christ.

Delegates from Sierra Leone at the Ghana 2013 conference. L-r: Mr. Edward Jusu Jr., Mrs. Sally Conteh, Bishop John Pessima, Mr. James Abdulie.

Delegates from Sierra Leone at the Ghana 2013 conference. L-r: Mr. Edward Jusu Jr., Mrs. Sally Conteh, Bishop John Pessima, Mr. James Abdulie.

Bishop John Pessima and three other persons from Sierra Leone Conference attended Ghana 2013, a conference on disciple multiplication in Accra, Ghana. It was held September 25-28.

This conference focused particularly on the African context. The first conference of this nature took place in Tokyo in 2010. Although speakers at this event were primarily from Africa, there were also speakers from Asia, Latin America, and North America.

The three persons joining Bishop Pessima are:

  • Mr. Edward Jusu Jr., the youth and young adult national coordinator.
  • Mrs. Sally Conteh, the Women’s Missionary Fellowship national president
  • Mr. James Abdulie, national president of the Master’s Men International.

Global Ministries was able to assist these four delegates using funds from the Antioch Fund. The Sierra Leoneans paid for their visas and conference registration, and the Antioch Fund paid for their flights.

The fund is designated to assist our United Brethren international partners in missions and mission mobilization.

If you would like to make a contribution to this fund, send your gift to Global Ministries, 302 Lake St. Huntington, IN 46750. Indicate that your gift is for the Antioch Fund.

Juanita Chavez amidst a group of praying Hondurans.

Juanita Chavez amidst a group of praying Hondurans.

Juanita Chavez and a Honduran young man.

Juanita Chavez and a Honduran young man.

A circle of Hondurans praying in an outside location.

A circle of Hondurans praying in an outside location.

Juanita Chavez, superintendent of Honduras Conference, recently traveled through the regions of El Copan and Santa Barbara in Honduras. The intent was to bring encouragement to a number of church planters. She and her fellow workers also held a number of church-based theological classes for pastors and church leaders.

During their time, they participated in a number of worship services. On one such occasion, three teenage girls decided to become followers of Jesus. They also met a 20-year-old man in a mountain village who gave a parcel of land that is part of his inheritance so that a new church could be built.

Continue to pray for the work of Honduras Conference. With more than 100 churches, they have only just begun to multiply churches throughout the country. Pray, too, as they consider how God might be calling Hondurans to become engage in foreign missions.

Alan and Marilyn Wright with their daughters, Carol and Joanne.

Alan and Marilyn Wright with their daughters, Carol and Joanne.

Alan Wright, a former UB missionary in Sierra Leone, passed away on September 18. He was a former physics teacher at Centennial Secondary School in Mattru during the 1960s.

Alan Wright was born in London, England, and graduated from Exeter University. He felt called to serve as a teacher in Sierra Leone. He taught for one year at a boys’ high school in Freetown, and in 1964 joined the staff at Centennial.

At Centennial, he met Marilyn Saufley, a nurse at Mattru. She was the daughter of Charles and Ruth Saufley, who had served as UB missionaries in Sierra Leone 1928-1932. She wrote, “Having been reared by faithful Christian parents, I cannot recall the time when I did not believe in the Lord. I considered mission work a way to come closer to the Lord. Perhaps this fact and an early impression that I should serve as a nurse in the country where my parents served, led me to my present position.”

Alan and Marilyn were married in July 1963, with Rev. Jerry Datema officiating. The Wrights became members of Salem UB church near Chambersburg, Pa. At the time of Alan’s death, he and Marilyn were living in Abbotsford, British Columbia.

Marilyn Reeck, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Honduras

A UBCentral article on August 13 requested for Roger Reeck, who was experiencing great pain in his ankle yet needed to make a lengthy trip to Mozambique. Roger’s wife, Marilyn, sent an update on September 19.

A sincere thank you to all for your prayers for Roger. He returned to Honduras two days ago rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness, protection and grace. Praise the Lord!

Yesterday, Roger was examined at a mission hospital by a visiting orthopedic surgeon from Oregon. He concludef that Roger has several conditions in the left ankle area including arthritis due to the progression of flat feet and injuries. The major one is Posterior Tibia Tendon Dysfunction.

His recommendation is to fuse three of the bones, which could relieve up to 80% of the problem. The doctor returns for a week in February and will schedule the operation for then. This is the same diagnosis made by a doctor in Dallas when he saw him a few months ago.

After the operation, Roger will have to keep his foot immobile for three months. We will now be rearranging and rescheduling the activities that he had planned for the fall and for the spring. He is juggling trips to Guinea Bissau, Venezuela, Mozambique, and possibly to Bolivia.

Roger leaves for meetings in Dallas in two more weeks.

Another item for praise is that Marilyn had cataract surgery on one eye a few weeks ago and it did not seem to be healing correctly. She sought a second opinion and feels more confident that her vision will improve soon.

UB ministers in Haiti (l-r): Marshall Woods, Kent Koteskey, Mark Wilson, Brad Kittle, Jeff Bleijerveld, and Bishop Phil Whipple.

UB ministers in Haiti (l-r): Marshall Woods, Kent Koteskey, Mark Wilson, Brad Kittle, Jeff Bleijerveld, and Bishop Phil Whipple.

Bishop Phil Whipple and Global Ministries Director Jeff Bleijerveld are in Haiti, where the United Brethren denomination has about 30 churches and is engaged in a variety of ministries. Accompanying them are four other United Brethren ministers:

  • Marshall Woods, senior pastor of Mill Chapel (Reedsville, W. Va.).
  • Brad Kittle, senior pastor of Praise Point (Willshire, Ohio).
  • Mark Wilson, senior pastor of Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
  • Kent Koteskey, executive pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).

They were joined in Haiti by two representatives from an organization called Loving Shepherd Ministries. The group left Monday, September 9, and will return on September 16.

John Pessima and his wife, Nancy, will be in the United States October 24 – December 6, 2013. John is bishop of Sierra Leone National Conference, and Nancy is very active in the Sierra Leone Women’s Missionary Fellowship.

The purpose of the trip is to be available to speak in United Brethren churches for Thank Offering services, missions conferences, WMF programs, etc. Ideally, they’ll speak to different churches and groups separately, but they can come to your church as a couple if necessary.

Bishop Pessima will share about the conference’s mission work among Sunni Muslims in Pujehun Province, where more than 4000 have come to faith in Christ. He will also provide updates regarding the hospital, changes at the Evangelical College of Theology, and continuing efforts to train and develop effective leaders.

Nancy Pessima will share about the ministry of the Women’s Missionary Fellowship, about how women have been involved in arranging for the adoption of orphaned children by UB families in Sierra Leone, and about small business efforts, evangelism, and discipleship efforts.

Arrangements are being made through Rev. Joe Abu, pastor of Mt. Zion United African Church in Philadelphia, Pa. If interested in having John and/or Nancy Pessima come to your church, call the Mt. Zion office ASAP: 267-240-9942.

Global Ministries is sponsoring three trips to Sierra Leone during the next few months. All three involve ministry at Mattru Hospital.

November 2013
This is a medical trip to Mattru Hospital. Dates: November 9 – November 23 or 24 (contingent upon flight availability).

Needed specifically are another doctor, a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant, a couple of nurses, and a surgeon. Also needed are a support person to assist with minor maintenance at Mattru Hospital.

Due to the close departure time, if you are interested please email Donna Hollopeter or call her (888-622-3019) before September 15.

January 10-25, 2014
Global Ministries is sponsoring a team to Sierra Leone to work at Mattru Hospital to do renovations on Harmony House. This is an existing structure that needs upgrades and complete renovations to make it ready for occupancy by future short-term teams. We need persons experienced with construction or who could provide assistance acting as material preparers and other support type positions.

Space is rapidly filling, so if you are interested please contact Donna at Global Ministries for more information and an application form. Cost: $2500 per person.

January 22 – February 9, 2014
A follow-up team is needed to accompany Dr. Ron Baker. This team will be strictly medical in nature. Needed for this trip are physicians, surgeons, and physician assistants.

Requirements for all three trips include a valid passport and the following:

  • Yellow fever immunization (mandatory).
  • Hepatitis A & B immunizations.
  • Typhoid immunizations.
  • Updated tetanus and flu shots.
  • The anti-malarial drug Doxycycline for each person.

The Kline family with the Global Ministries staff. L-r: Frank Y, David Kline, Melissa Kline, Aiden Kline, Mia Kline, Jeff Bleijerveld, Brandt Kline, Donna Hollopeter, Jana Gass.

The Kline family with the Global Ministries staff. L-r: Frank Y, David Kline, Melissa Kline, Aiden Kline, Mia Kline, Jeff Bleijerveld, Brandt Kline, Donna Hollopeter, Jana Gass.

David and Melissa Kline and children have returned from Macau. They showed up at the United Brethren Office on Tuesday morning, September 3. Here they are with the Global Ministries staff.

Dwight and Patti Kuntz have returned from Jamaica, where they served as short-term coordinators/liaisons between Jamaica Conference and North American short-term teams. They will be in the U.S. during the fall Thank Offering season, and are available to speak in churches for Thank Offering services and mission conferences. They can be contacted via email at [email protected].