13 Jan Maxwells Weigh Options re: Jamaica
Kent and Carol Maxwell are currently in their second year at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology in Jamaica. Kent was previously pastor of New Hope UB church in Huntington, Ind. On December 21, Kent wrote the following:
“We are again faced with making another decision in regard to continuing at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology for a third year. When we went to CGST in the summer of 2002, it was for only one year when a national was to return to the Graduate School after completing her doctoral studies in California. However, that did not happen. She expects to complete the degree in the summer of 2004; however, she desires to remain in California to complete the internship required to be licensed in the State of California as a psychologist and to get certification from the American Psychological Association.
“Hence, the Graduate School has asked us to return in the fall for another year and longer if we would be available. After next year, it would be to direct the Master of Divinity program. Please be in prayer for us as we struggle with this decision. There certainly is a strong pull to remain and complete the task I began and possibly to help strengthen the M .Div. program later. There is an equally strong pull to return to our home in Huntington where we would be nearer to our children, visit family and friends, and opt for a slower lifestyle. Carol much prefers to remain in the States. We are really serious in requesting your prayers for us in this very great decision.”