On April 28 (Thursday), those of you who subscribe to Feedburner received an email saying that Wilmer Houck, pastor of the UB church in Coleta, Ill., would undergo brain surgery on May 4. That was wrong information–right family, wrong person. Actually, it is Juli Houck, Wilmer’s wife, who will have surgery. The error was quickly corrected on UBCentral, but not before the Feedburner emails went out (it’s done automatically). I apologize for the mistake. We do ask your prayers for Juli. — Steve Dennie

Donelle Raab passed away at approximately 7:30 am on Monday, May 2, 2011. She had been in hospice care throughout the weekend, and her condition was declining. We’ll post other details as we learn them. She and her husband, Richard, who passed away in January 2010, served UB churches in Michigan. Donelle held a Specialized Ministry license. You can read previous posts here and here.

Visitation: Thursday, May 5, 2-5 pm and 6-9 pm.
Visitation Location: Stroo Funeral Home, 1095 68th SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508.

Funeral: 11 am Friday, May 6. Visitation 10-10:45 am
Funeral Location: Banner of Christ Church, 1111 68th St., Byron Center, MI 49315.

Richard Self, father of Eric Self, senior pastor of Mount Zion UB (Junction City, Ohio), underwent double-bypass surgery on April 27 in Columbus, Ohio. Annette Self, Eric’s wife, reports that he came through “with flying colors.”

Julie Houck, whose husband is pastor of the UB church in Coleta, Ill., will undergo brain surgery on Wednesday, May 4. The surgery will occur at St. Anthony’s hospital in Rockford, Ill.

Julie writes: “A trip to ER for stroke-like symptoms a week ago found a golfball-size tumor on the left side of my brain, growing daily. We are asking for the ‘regular’ things like peace and trust, and healing, maybe even a miracle, also that we have made the right decisions so far, and that God will intervene if we haven’t. We have heard that I have a great surgeon, but unsure where he stands with the Lord. I would love to be His tool to display Himself to this man, and will leave it in his hands. My encouragement is to keep enjoying every moment as it comes.”

Please remember Wilmer and Julie Houck and family in your prayers.

Donelle Raab is now in hospice care, as reported earlier. David Raab, her son, reports that she is not responding as hoped to steroids. “If tomorrow does not see the results (which would be day 5 of steroids) mom (we) decided that there would be no prodding of offering food or water. Hard to let her go, but praise and glory to God who is taking her home soon.”

Sunfield UB church has hired a new worship coordinator: Caleb Hugo from Dewitt, Mich. He and his wife, Liz, will begin serving in May 2011. Caleb is a graduate of Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Mich., and a recent graduate of Michigan State University with a Masters in Music Composition.

Steven Parish, 54, a former United Brethren pastor in Michigan, passed away unexpectedly on April 18, 2011. A memorial service was held April 21 at Nashville Baptist Church in Nashville, Mich. He is survived by his wife, Kimberly, and three daughters.

We learned that Donelle Raab (right), wife of former UB minister Dick Raab, is not doing well. In January 2008, she was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on her spinal column. She underwent surgery and radiation treatments. But on Thursday, April 21, tests showed fluid accumulating in pockets throughout her body, rather than going to her vital organs.

Her son David wrote on Facebook, “Her liver has decided not to do its job. It looks like the fight is coming to a close. Doc doesn’t see hope for her to kick the troubles she is experiencing right now.”

The doctor said he could put her in the hospital and run more tests, but they might never learn what is discovering the problem.

Donelle said she wanted no more tests or treatments, and that she is ready to meet her Lord. The doctor suggested they get set up with hospice, which they did on Friday, April 22.

Donnelle has no strength, and needs 24-hour care. Please pray for the family during these difficult days.

Dick and Donnelle served 42 years in the pastoral ministry, retiring in January 2007 from their last pastorate, Richfield Road UB church in Flint, Mich. Dick passed away January 1, 2010, after his own battle with cancer. Donelle holds a Specialized Ministries license, and until the end of 2007 was a member of the denominational Women’s Ministry Team.

Donelle’s son David is giving updates on his mother on her Facebook page. Donelle is too weak to talk on the phone. However, cards are appreciated. Her address is 1914 Jackpine Ct., Dorr, MI 49316.

Alice Clay, 89, passed away on April 19, 2011, in Wakarusa, Ind. She was the wife of Rev. Burley Clay, a pastor in the United Brethren church and Missionary church for 58 years. He and Alice served six churches in Arizona, California, Ohio, and Michigan.

Alice grew up in Phoenix, Ariz., and graduated in 1944 from Fort Wayne Bible Institute with a music degree. She and Burley met at college and were married in 1944. Burley died in September 2010. The Clays had six children, all of whom survive. One daughter is Polly Dunten, whose husband, Darwin Dunten, is senior pastor of First UB church in Findley, Ohio. Darwin will officiate at the funeral.

Visitation: Friday, April 22, 4-6 pm and 6-8 pm.
Visitation Location: Walker Funeral Home, 5155 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo, Ohio.
Funeral: 11 am Saturday, April 23.
Funeral Location: Redeemer Community Church, 5321 Springdale Ave., Toledo, Ohio.

We just received word about the death of Rev. Kenneth A. Beattie on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Rev Beattie, a minister for over 55 years, died in Toledo Hospital of complications from dementia. He was 83.

Rev. Beattie began showing symptoms of dementia about three years ago, and had broken both hips in separate falls during the past two years. He lived at home and was undergoing rehabilitation for his most recent break when he was taken to the hospital on March 22 because of difficulty breathing.

He was a Navy SeaBee during World War II, serving in the Philippines. Before entering the ministry, he worked for a machine products company and farmed in Defiance County, Ohio. He preached and held tent revivals in the Defiance area.

Rev. Beattie received degrees from Fort Wayne Bible college and the Huntington University Seminary. He served 13 years at churches in Sherwood, Ohio, and Camden, Mich., plus several years in evangelistic work. Then, in 1969, he became pastor of Harvest Lane UB church in Toledo, Ohio. He stayed for 12 years, overseeing the expansion of the sanctuary.

After leaving Harvest Lane, he pastored two UB churches in Michigan on a circuit–Riverside UB in Monroe and Morocco UB in Temperance. He then moved on to Pontiac, Mich., to pastor First Christian Missionary Alliance Church.

Reverend Beattie planned to retire in 1988 when he returned to Toledo, but then discovered a small Wesleyan church that needed a pastor. He volunteered part-time for a while, and then went fulltime, serving as pastor until retiring in 2009.

Reverend Beattie and his wife, Jean, were married for 63 years. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, and a son.

Services were held Wednesday, March 30, at 11 am in the Reeb Funeral Home in Sylvania, Ohio.