Brent Liechty, senior pastor, Pathway UB church (Jackson, Mich.)

Pathway UB church is hosting a special seminar on same-sex attraction and homosexuality. We would love to have you join us.

Date: Saturday, March 12
Time: 12:30 – 4:30 pm.
Location: Pathway UB church, 5225 Clinton Rd., Jackson, MI 49201
Cost: $5.

Many of us are not prepared to deal with people facing same sex attraction. The church’s approach has too often been “just say no,” and that is not good enough anymore. This subject is growing in importance to the younger people in our churches, and they are willing to walk away from Christianity or the church over this issue.

How can your church become a safe place for all people? How can we become the first place hurting people run to instead of the last? Is it possible to disagree but still love powerfully?

Our speaker, Beth Pictor, holds a Masters in Mental Health Counseling. She will provide an eye-opening and engaging look at how we can better understand same-sex attraction and homosexuality, and will provide opportunity for your leaders to wrestle with these questions. Beth co-led a seminar on this subject at the United Brethren National Conference in July 2015.

To register your group, call or text Loretta Liechty at 517.499.0374 or email [email protected]. Please respond by March 9, 2015.


Ignite is a one-day get-away sponsored by Global Ministries. Through plenary sessions and workshops, you’ll grow in your knowledge and application of God’s mission.

Date: May 7, 2016. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m.
Time: Sessions begin at 9:00am
Cost: $35
Location: Rhodes Grove Camp, Greencastle Pa.


You can register in two ways:

  1. Online. Use the registration form at to submit your registration fee using our e-giving link. Select “4-1025 Ignite Conf. Registration” from the pull-down menu and enter $35 in the “Amount” field.
  2. Call: 1.888-622-3019 or 1.260-356-2312.

johnbailey120About Our Speaker

For the last ten years, John Bailey has served as a mission mobilizer in two large congregations in Alabama. In this capacity, he has overseen the distribution of millions of dollars given to missions and has facilitated hundreds of mission trips. John is the author of Journey to a Better Way: a Wesleyan Perspective on Doing Mission Better.

For more information and to register online, go to the Ignite page at

A training event for church treasurers will be held 9am – noon Saturday, February 20, 2016, at Rhodes Grove Camp and Conference Center (Chambersburg, Pa.). The cost is $15 for the first person, and $10 for each additional attendee.

Keith and Joy Sider from Sider Agency will be presenting on “Can We Lessen the Tax Burden for your Pastor through Health Insurance.”  Lunch will follow the presentations.

You can use this PDF form to register.


The Associate Staff Summit is held every two years. It is designed for persons in UB churches working in such staff roles as pastoral care, assimilation, adult education, visitation, counseling, missions, discipleship, children’s ministry, etc. It is NOT for senior pastors.

Craig Mickey and Sam Ward, associate staff at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), are in charge of the programming and schedule. (Youth ministers have their own summit).

Date: May 2-6, 2016
Location:Best Western Aku Tiki Inn
2225 S Atlantic Ave
Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118


Registration includes lodging, meeting costs, 4 breakfasts and some dinners.

  • $100 per person (for the week). We’ll put you in a room with another attendee.
  • $200 per person (for the week). For a private room (by yourself or with your spouse).

You are responsible for:

  • Transportation to and from Daytona
  • Lunch on your own, some dinners.
  • Hotel incidentals and extra days (before or after the summit).

Continuing Education

The Associate Summit qualifies for 20 hours of continuing education.

For more information and to register, go to the UB website.

Date: April 25-28, 2016
Location: Best Western Aku Tiki Inn, 2225 S Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118

This is an annual event of encouragement and training for persons in youth ministry. It is available for the lead youth ministry workers (fulltime, part-time, or volunteer) in every United Brethren church. About 25 youth persons usually attend.
The Summit is a great time of networking with other youth leaders and being encouraged by others who are in the trenches of youth ministry. They enjoy the beach, the golf course, and incredibly beautiful weather, along with the chance to slow down and step away from the constant demands of youth ministry.

You are responsible for:

  • Transportation to and from Daytona.
  • Meals that are not covered.
  • Hotel incidentals.

Keynote Speaker

This year our keynote speaker is Dave Rahn (right), a nationally known youth ministry expert. He will encourage each of us in our attempt to make a difference for the Kingdom of God among today’s generation of teenagers.


The Summit begins with a steak dinner on Monday evening, April 25. It comes to a conclusion (much too early) after the evening session on Thursday, April 28.

Continuing Education

If you hold a UB ministerial license, by attending this summit, you will earn 20 credit hours, which satisfies your annual requirement


The two-day United Brethren History Course will be offered in Michigan and Pennsylvania during February and March. This course is a requirement for ministerial licensing in the United Brethren denomination. In addition, many people who just want to learn more about UB history take the course. During the past five years, about 140 people have attended the course in 17 locations.

Sunfield, Mich.

Date: February 29 – March 1, 2016
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
LocationSunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.)
Address: 8436 W. Grand Ledge Highway, Sunfield, MI 48890
Instructor: Bob Bruce (right), associate pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).

New Castle, Pa.

Date: March 21-22, 2016
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
LocationFirst UB church (New Castle, Pa.)
Address: 1900 Eastbrook Road, New Castle, PA 16101
Instructor: Daryl Elliott (right), senior pastor of Fountain UB church (Keyser, W. Va.).


  • $200, if you are seeking a ministerial license. There is a $25 discount if you pay fully in advance of the class, making your cost just $175.
  • $100 for everyone else.

For more information and to register online, go here. Course payment must be sent one week prior to the class.

Direct any questions to Cathy Reich, Administrative Assistant.

The cluster leaders are meeting in the upper level of the Habecker Dining Commons at Huntington University.

The cluster leaders are meeting in the upper level of the Habecker Dining Commons at Huntington University.

The cluster leaders, National Office staff, and spouses enjoyed a buffet dinner at Huntington University.

The cluster leaders, National Office staff, and spouses enjoyed a buffet dinner at Huntington University.

Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, president of Huntington University, bringing greetings to the group.

Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, president of Huntington University, bringing greetings to the group.

Bishop Todd Fetters speaking to the group.

Bishop Todd Fetters speaking to the group.

Training time on Tuesday morning.

Training time on Tuesday morning.

The Cluster Leader Winter Gathering is underway at Huntington University. About 25 of the cluster leaders arrived on Monday. The event began with an evening meal, for which the National Office staff and spouses joined the group. The evening included from HU President Sherilyn Emberton, a message from Bishop Todd Fetters, and an extended prayer exercise led by Mark Vincenti, associate pastor of College Park Church in Huntington.

The meeting continue today (Tuesday) with a training time led by Mike Dittman, who heads a ministry called Haven for the Heart. He has been working with the clusters for several years.


In 2016, we will hold summits for senior pastors and spouses of churches of all sizes (as was done in 2014). The denomination will cover all costs except for transportation and a few meals. All three summits will be held at the Hilton Daytona Beach Hotel in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Summit 1: March 28-31
For pastors of churches with an attendance of 300+.

Summit 2: April 11-14
For pastors of churches with attendance from 150-300.

Summit 3: April 25-28
For pastors of churches with attendance less than 150.

More information on the UB website.

Here is the information for the annual Pastoral Resource Day in Pennsylvania.

Dates: November 1-2, 2015.
Location: Rhodes Grove Camp & Conference Center.
Address: 7693 Browns Mill Road, Chambersburg, Pa. 17202.

The speaker is Beth Pictor, who will address the subject, “Promoting Awareness and Understanding of Same-Sex Attraction.”

Registration deadline: October 26, 2015.

Overnight lodging and meals are available.

Download this PDF form to register, or call the camp at 717-375-4162. Office hours: Monday and Tuesday 8am – 3pm.

Address questions to [email protected]

Here is the concluding message of the recent US National Conference, delivered by Todd Fetters on July 18, 2015. (The video starts a few words into the message.)

At the time, Todd Fetters was director of National Ministries. On Friday, August 7, Todd Fetters began his new role as Interim Bishop for the US National Conference, with all the authority and responsibilities of bishop as stated in the UB Discipline.

(If you receive this post by email, you’ll need to watch the video here.)