May 2, 2008

The former sign. The building hasn’t technically been the international headquarters since 2001.

The new sign for Healthy Ministry Resources, which was unveiled on May 2. It stands outside the building along Lake Street in Huntington, Ind.
A sign for Healthy Ministry Resources now stands in front of the UB national office building in Huntington, Ind. So it’s official and very public. The office has a new name.
Eleven fulltime staff work out of the national office. They include Bishop Ramsey, three persons working in Global Ministries, two persons in Finance, two persons in the bookstore, a director of Healthy Church Ministries, a Communications director, and an administrative assistant.
The United Brethren offices were originally located in downtown Huntington on the corner of Warren and Franklin streets. The denomination constructed that building beginning in 1915, with occupancy in 1916 and a formal dedication on May 2, 1917. It housed the United Brethren Publishing House in addition to offices for the various denominational officials.
In May 1976, the printshop and offices moved to a brand new building at the corner of Lake and Guilford Streets. The publishing house, which occupied about a third of the building, was closed in 1981. Over the years, as the number of staff members decreased, portions of the building were rented out to other parties.
In 2001, the Huntington University Graduate School of Christian Ministries moved into one large section at the front of the building (facing Lake Street), with Family Centered Services occupying the offices at the back of the building. When Family Centered Services moved to a new location in the fall of 2007, their offices were taken by the Huntington University EXCEL program. Now, the entire Huntington University Graduate School is housed in the building.
The bookstore operation uses a good share of the former printshop to warehouse Sunday school curriculum, which is sent to about 350 churches every quarter.