The Healthy Ministry Resources office will be closed on Fridays for the rest of the summer.

New hours: 7 a.m. — 5:30 p.m.
Dates: June 16 — August 29.

For many years during the summer, everyone worked an extra half hour Monday-Thursday and then left at 1 p.m. on Friday. But with the high cost of gas, and some of the staffers driving 20-40 miles to reach the office, it didn’t make sense to have people come for a half-day.

So Bishop Ramsey approved trying something different: a four-day work week, with ten-hour days. If you need anything from Healthy Ministry Resources, be sure to call between Monday and Thursday.

The former sign, which technically hasn't been the international headquarters since 2001.

The former sign. The building hasn’t technically been the international headquarters since 2001.

The new Healthy Ministry Resources sign.

The new sign for Healthy Ministry Resources, which was unveiled on May 2. It stands outside the building along Lake Street in Huntington, Ind.

A sign for Healthy Ministry Resources now stands in front of the UB national office building in Huntington, Ind. So it’s official and very public. The office has a new name.

Eleven fulltime staff work out of the national office. They include Bishop Ramsey, three persons working in Global Ministries, two persons in Finance, two persons in the bookstore, a director of Healthy Church Ministries, a Communications director, and an administrative assistant.

The United Brethren offices were originally located in downtown Huntington on the corner of Warren and Franklin streets. The denomination constructed that building beginning in 1915, with occupancy in 1916 and a formal dedication on May 2, 1917. It housed the United Brethren Publishing House in addition to offices for the various denominational officials.

In May 1976, the printshop and offices moved to a brand new building at the corner of Lake and Guilford Streets. The publishing house, which occupied about a third of the building, was closed in 1981. Over the years, as the number of staff members decreased, portions of the building were rented out to other parties.

In 2001, the Huntington University Graduate School of Christian Ministries moved into one large section at the front of the building (facing Lake Street), with Family Centered Services occupying the offices at the back of the building. When Family Centered Services moved to a new location in the fall of 2007, their offices were taken by the Huntington University EXCEL program. Now, the entire Huntington University Graduate School is housed in the building.

The bookstore operation uses a good share of the former printshop to warehouse Sunday school curriculum, which is sent to about 350 churches every quarter.


The United Brethren national office has a new name: Healthy Ministry Resources. The name reflects the mission of the national office, which is: “To effectively resource pastors and congregations of the US National Conference to fulfill the Great Commission.”

When Bishop Ron Ramsey took office in 2005, one of his strategic initiatives was to create a “brand” for the national office in Huntington which would:

  • Provide an official name and logo for the office. The generic “UB Headquarters” has been used until now.
  • Focus the office’s purpose squarely on serving and resourcing local churches.
  • Emphasize that the national office’s only reason to exist is to help UB churches. The churches don’t exist for the sake of the national office.
  • Change the perception of the national office as an hierarchical entity.

“The real work of our denomination occurs at the local level,” says Bishop Ramsey. “As a national office, our only reason to exist is to help those churches thrive. Many people in our churches around the country view us as a bureaucratic, top-down entity. I want to change that perception. Our purpose is to serve our churches. The new name, the website, and everything we do will emphasize that purpose.”

The branding initiative was unveiled on April 21 to the Executive Leadership Team, and went public on May 2. It includes:

  • A name and logo for the national office, which you’ll begin seeing on stationery, forms, and all kinds of other materials.
  • A new website for the national office: remains the official website of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, and is the official website for Global Ministries. Those aren’t going away. The new website deals specifically with the work of the national office.

The BishopBlog, which was launched in 2006, has been revamped and folded into the new website. It has a new purpose, and will be given far more attention than in the past. Communications director Steve Dennie describes the new BishopBlog as the “Grand Central Station” of UB communications–the one place to go to find out what’s happening throughout the UB internet world.

The Healthy Ministry Resources name and logo apply only to the national office. It is just one ministry of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

  • We’re not changing the name of the denomination.
  • This is not a new denominational logo.

I’m glad you made it to the new BishopBlog on the new
site. The BishopBlog will be the centerpiece of United Brethren communications.

We’ll talk about a wide range of issues here. This is also the place to learn what’s happening in other parts of the UB internet world. 

When I took office, I intended to create a “brand” for the national office in Huntington. It would do the following:

  • Provide an official name and logo for the office. In the past, we’ve always used generic names, like UB Headquarters, United Brethren Offices, or for the more sarcastic among us, “Mecca.”
  • Focus our purpose squarely on serving and resourcing our churches.
  • Emphasize that our only reason to exist is to help our churches thrive. Our churches don’t exist for the sake of the national office.
  • Change the perception of this building as a bureaucratic, top-down, hierarchical entity.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • We’re not changing (or de-emphasizing) the denomination’s name or logo. 
  • The Healthy Ministry Resources name and logo apply only to the national office. 
  • The is still the official website of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

Healthy Ministry Resources is focused on serving local churches. It’s why we exist. I pray that our heart for churches, and for fulfilling the Great Commission, comes through strong and clear.

Jeff Bleijerveld, currently Assistant Director of World Partners USA, has been appointed by Bishop Ron Ramsey as the new Director of Global Ministries. He will begin his new duties on March 3, replacing Gary Dilley, who served in that position since 2001. Gary stepped down, effective January 21, to accept the senior pastor role at College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind.

Jeff and Charlene Bleijerveld
Jeff and Charlene Bleijerveld

Jeff has been an ordained minister in the Missionary Church for 23 years, was a missionary in Spain for eight years with World Partners Canada, has served as a pastor at two churches, and came to his current position in 2001. At World Partners USA, Jeff has been responsible for the daily operations, managed all human resources functions for the 130 staff scattered around the world, developed and supervised volunteer programs, worked with missionaries in raising their support, and much more. Being fluent in Spanish, he frequently traveled to South American, Central America, and Europe, and also served as Hispanic Liaison to churches in the United States and abroad. He brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and ability to the position.

Jeff, a Canadian citizen, holds a Theology degree from Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener, Ontario, and a Masters in Management from Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Ind.

“Gary Dilley did much to advance our mission program,” says Bishop Ron Ramsey, “and he is highly respected throughout the denomination, not only in the United States but in our many partnering countries. We appreciate his service to the church, and wish him well as he returns to the pastorate. We knew it would be difficult to replace him.”

The 2007 Pastors and Local Church reports are ready. The one-page Pastor’s Report must be submitted by every licensed minister. Each senior pastor must take responsibility for submitting the Local Church Annual Report, which provides statistics and other information about the church’s ministry in 2007. A packet containing the reports is being sent to each church. The 2007 UB annual reports can also be downloaded from the UB website. You’ll find fillable forms in MS Word format which you can submit to Bishop Ramsey as email attachments.

Donna Hollopeter has been named Acting Director of Global Ministries. Gary Dilley, the director since 2001, is resigning to become senior pastor of College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind. Donna joined the Global Ministries staff in 1993 as Executive Secretary of the Women’s Missionary Fellowship. Her title more recently has been Associate Director of Global Ministries.

Gary DilleyGary Dilley, the Director of Global Ministries since 2001, is stepping down to take on a new position. In January, he will become senior pastor of College Park United Brethren Church in Huntington, Ind. He has been serving as interim pastor at College Park since July.

Gary’s original calling was to pastoral ministry, and that role remains close to his heart. While he felt God’s leading in leaving the pastorate to become Global Ministries director, he always knew he would eventually return to the pastorate.

Gary was elected to the Global Ministries position in 2001. However, in 2005, it became an appointed position. Bishop Ron Ramsey will work with the Global Ministries Leadership Team in deciding how to fill the position.

Cathy Reich is the new Administrative Assistant to Bishop Ron Ramsey, Pat Jones, and Steve Dennie. She started in that position on November 19.

Cathy is a graduate of Huntington University, and beginning in 1975 spent nearly nine years working at the United Brethren Headquarters. She initially worked in the printshop, and in 1982 became executive secretary to Paul Hirschy, then the Director of Church Services. She left that position in 1984 when she and her husband, Jon, began having children.

Cathy and her family are very active members of Good Shepherd UB church in Huntington, Ind. In recent years, Cathy has served on the Good Shepherd staff part-time as Director of Children’s Ministries.

Cathy was elected to the Executive Leadership Team at the 2007 US National Conference. With her new role, she has stepped down from that position.