September 26, 2011

20 of the 24 people from Anchor who participated in the various Fort4Fitness events on September 24. Pastor Tim and Tara Hallman are in the back row on the right. (click to enlarge)
Among the 9400+ people who participated in last weekend’s Fort4Fitness event in Fort Wayne, Ind., were 24 persons from Anchor Community Church. In a congregation of 120 people, that’s a pretty good representation.
Most of the Anchor people participated in the 4-mile walk, held Saturday morning, September 24. Pastor Tim Hallman and his wife, Tara, both ran the 13.1 mile half-marathon–Tara’s third time, Tim’s second time.
The kids, along with assorted parents, grandparents, and aunts, participated in the Kids’ Marathon, which stretches over a period of 12 weeks during the summer. During that time, children walked or ran in small increments (a mile or two), and kept a log book. Then they walked the last 1.2 miles, along with adults, to cross the finish line in Parkview Stadium.
Most of the Anchor participants wore their t-shirts and medals to church on Sunday, September 25.