The Community Easter Egg Hunt at Sunfield UB (Sunfield, Mich.) drew almost 100 children from the community, and the church was able to share with the children and their parents the true meaning of Easter. Three families came back the next day on Easter Sunday, and the parents in one of those families received Christ. The two morning services had a combined attendance of 322.

Some other news from the church:

  • Judy Atherton, wife of Assistant Pastor Roy Atherton, has been diagnosed with cancer.
  • This summer, the youth are taking a mission trip to Mexico with Teen Mania.
  • Five babies will be dedicated in May, and they will also bring in 15 new members.
  • In June, 30 people will spend four days working at the Laurel Mission in Kentucky. Pastor Mark Ralph will be traveling with Gary Dilley to Honduras so he can see the new kitchen built in El Carril by the Sunfield church.

On January 25, Hillsdale UB celebrated its 100th anniversary. State Sen. Cameron Brown delivered the invocation and Bishop Paul Hirschy gave the benediction. Nearly 600 people attended the two morning worship services. The first service concluded with the baptism of 12 people, while the second service ended by taking 37 into membership, which broke a record that had stood for a century.

On January 24, 1904, thirty charter members formed the church. Hillsdale UB connected its Centennial Celebration with the historic first flight of the Wright Brothers and their UB background. The Centennial motto is, “Soaring with Christ, we see the world from a different perspective.” During the first service, Bishop Paul Hirschy was introduced to a man bearing the same name as the Wright brothers’ father, who was a former United Brethren bishop. Milton Wright began visiting Hillsdale UB last fall. Each of those who were baptized or joined the church that day were given one of the new quarters depicting the Wright brothers conquest of the air.

Over the last five years, Hillsdale’s ministry has averaged one conversion per week. Through the first quarter of this year, the average was two per week, partly as a result of the response to the Passion of the Christ film. The church purchased all the tickets for five showings of the film at the local theater. Pastor Les Smith instructed the congregation not to buy the discounted tickets unless they also bought one for an unsaved or unchurched person. All 1,000 tickets were sold, and approximately half of those attending the five showings were not from the church. Each of the four pastors at Hillsdale took a turn at presenting an invitation at the conclusion of one of the showings, and a dozen people responded.

Pastor Smith preached a Lenten series on the Passion from Isaiah 53, the fifth verse of which appears on the screen at the beginning of the film. There was a definite impact on attendance for Easter, when nearly 800 attended the two services, a church record.

Rev. Michael Mudge is planting a church in Cumberland, Md. It is called Bethany House of the Lord. He wrote on April 4, after ten consecutive weeks of Sunday worship, that they were averaging 33 people in attendance. “We are trying right now to solidify our core group, and we have not yet done any outreach. We plan to begin some public outreach in the summer. We had our first convert in February.

“My greatest joy has been in seeing the families that make up our congregation doing daily family devotions together. The nine children are doing great at scripture memorization. We have a growing ministry to the deaf, with five deaf people coming regularly and a deaf instructor standing with me at the pulpit to sign the worship celebration. Please pray for God to strengthen our core group and to draw others in and help us in planning our outreach ministries.”

Ryan Clark is the new pastor at Van Wert UB (Van Wert, Ohio). He will begin in mid-April. Ryan and Becky are coming from Gordon-Conwell Seminary, where he is completing his MDiv degree. They have two children and one on the way.

Dr. J. Edward Roush, former US Congressman, Huntington College trustee, legal counsel for the UB Church, and member at College Park Church in Huntington, passed away on Friday, March 26. The funeral was held on Wednesday, March 31, at College Park church.

Donelle Raab, associate pastor of Richfield Road UB, sent this report about a mission work project which stretched throughout February. “Richfield Road UB sponsored a team of 17 people to Honduras. Members of the team went and returned at various times during the month of February. Gary Case and Grady Jones headed the effort. The team built a church in the village of El Naranjal about 45 minutes west of La Ceiba. The former church was 12-by-15 feet. The new one is 30-by-50.

“Even though the new church wasn’t completely finished, Richfield Road left money, and the people in the church in El Naranjal are finishing it. The last we heard, it is almost done. Gary and Grady worked hard to include Superintendent Francisco Raudales and the pastor of the church in the planning. The people in the village were encouraged to work with the team. The children were especially eager to participate.

“The team also sponsored a VBS with the help of the Bethel church in La Ceiba. About 250 children were reached, and 15 or so made decisions to follow Jesus. One boy asked for prayer for a congenital problem with his eye. The team, with the help of Pastor Jose Rivera, made it possible for that boy to be treated by a doctor in La Ceiba.

“Isa Rivera, a student at Huntington College, was an important member of the team working as interpreter.”

Jim Knoll is the new Visitation Pastor at Hillsdale UB, Hillsdale, Mich. This is a part-time position.

Darrin Duncan, former pastor of Living Word UB in Columbus, Ohio, has been overseas serving as a fulltime chaplain in the military. He has returned to the States.

Brian Magnus, Bishop of the UB Church in Canada, recently had the chance to accompany other Canadian church leaders on a trip to Israel. This went far beyond a regular tour. For instance, they had a meeting with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

In December, Good Shepherd UB in Huntington held its 15th annual Christmas Give-a-Way via the Shepherd’s Closet clothing ministry. A total of 210 grocery bags filled with shopper’s choice of clothing, gift items, toys, books, shoes, and hats were given away. The Shepherd’s Closet, located in the church basement, is open to the public year round for clothing for a small donation or for free, depending on the need.

Michael and Kim Hewitt are the parents of a baby boy. Andrew Michael Hewitt was born January 14, weighing 7 lbs., 10 oz. Michael is youth pastor of First UB in Blissfield, Mich.

Ricardo Rivera is the pastor of a new Hispanic church being planted in Sacramento, Calif. Ricardo holds an local conference license. The new church is using the facility of the Faith Christian Fellowship UB church in Sacramento.