Dr. Walter Burkholder passed away on July 9, 2004. The Pennsylvania native pastored at United Brethren churches in Pennsylvania, Fort Wayne, and near Geneva, Ind., and served as general secretary of Christian Education for the United Brethren denomination.

Surviving are wife, Erma; children, Alan, Ann Oden, and Sharon Bryant; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Services were held Tuesday, July 14, in Huntington, Ind.

New Horizons UB paid off the mortgage on its new facility far ahead of schedule. Pastor Bob Loar reports that in the last five years, over $1.5 million passed through the building fund as they worked to relocate the ministry following the arson at the former building.

  • Joe Leighton concluded his tenure as youth minister at Lancaster UB (Lancaster, Ohio) on May 31. During the past year, he has also been the senior pastor at Salem Chapel UB in Junction City, Ohio. He will continue in that role.
  • Eric Ross concluded his tenure as supply pastor at Eden UB (Reedsville, Ohio) on May 31.
  • Dick Case will conclude his service as senior pastor at Crestview UB (Lafayette, ind.) on June 30.
  • Dan Young, formerly a pastor in Sandusky Conference, has been named interim pastor at Crestview UB Lafayette, Ind.) effective July 1. He will be part-time.
  • Jennifer Zirbel will become the new pastor of McGuire Bend UB (Dayton, Iowa) on September 1. She is a recent graduate of Methodist Theological School in Ohio and is currently finishing an internship in the British Methodist Church. She will replace Kent Kastler, who is retiring. McGuire Bend will continue sharing pastoral leadership with four nearby United Methodist churches, as they have done since 1998.

Michael Wentz, pastor of Living Hope UB, challenged his congregation to take $10 and multiply it for UB missions. J. P. and Matthew (the boys pictured above) decided to invest in a food and beverage stand at a neighborhood yard sale in order to multiply their “talent.” They multiplied it ten times! Their donation of $100 was added to Living Hope’s missions offering.

The Blissfield church (Blissfield, Mich.)  is doing something very different–something they’re calling an “inside-out” mission trip. They are bringing people from our Jamaica Conference to the States July 7-14, so the Jamaicans can experience a cross-cultural ministry trip of their own. Michael Hewitt, the church’s youth pastor, writes:

“During this time, 15-20 Jamaicans are coming to Blissfield for a mission trip of their own. Seeds were planted two years ago when we took 33 participants to the Yorktown and Maypen churches in Jamaica. It’s taken two years of planning, acquiring visas, etc., but it looks like our hard work and prayers are paying off! Ministry opportunities for the Jamaican Team and the Blissfield church family include:

  • Gospel outreaches and musical performances at Blissfield’s River Raisin Festival (brings in 80,000 to 100,000 people every year).
  • Work at Camp Michindoh.
  • Ministry at First UB Church in Blissfield.
  • A day in the life of a Michigan farmer.
  • A fun day trip to Cedar Point.

“We thank the Lord for this opportunity and pray for all the Jamaican participants that are preparing and training right now!” Next January 5-9, a team of UB youth pastors will travel to Jamaica to provide student ministry training in such areas as:

  • Developing a youth ministry model for local church.
  • Effective programming.
  • How to train young people to actively share their faith with their world.

Aposento Alto church in Honduras

The Richfield Road UB church (Flint, Mich.) helped build the Aposento Alto church (above) at El Naranjal, Honduras, during a mission trip this past February. They also held a Bible school, during which 12 children gave their hearts to the Lord and many more promised to attend church. The church now has an attendance of over 50. The photo shows the outside of the church.


On Saturday, May 15, Huntington College honored 206 graduates of the Class of 2004. HC’s 106th commencement services took place at 3 p.m. on the front lawn of campus. Dr. KunMo Chung, a licensed nuclear engineer and experienced science administrator from South Korea, delivered the commencement address.

Preeminence, a group of talented student musicians from Huntington College (see photo above), is touring the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions this summer. They will present about 60 performances between May 29 and August 14 in churches, camps, and conferences.

On May 25, Bishop Paul Hirschy had his fifth of six chemotherapy treatments. He also learned that cat-scans gave him a clear report, showing no swelling in the lymph nodes. He will only need one more chemo treatment, which will occur in three weeks. Bishop Hirschy is grateful for everyone’s prayer support.

Mid-Atlantic and Michindoh Conferences met during May. Michindoh re-elected George Kreger as conference superintendent. Mid-Atlantic elected two new superintendents to replace Pat Jones and Rick Fischl. The two continuing superintendents, Anthony Blair and Michael Mudge, took on new areas of responsibility. Here is the new Mid-Atlantic line-up:

* Anthony Blair: Administration.
* Michael Mudge: Pastoral Development.
* Billy Simbo: Church Multiplication and Urban Ministry.
* Jim Bolich: Church Growth and Renewal.

Rev. Alfred “Bud” Price passed away Tuesday evening, May 25. He pastored the Blissfield UB church (Blissfield, Mich.) for over 30 years (1952-1986), and also served as fulltime superintendent of Michindoh Conference. The funeral will be held at 11 am on Saturday, May 29, at the Central UB church in Montpelier, Ohio. Viewing will be on Friday, May 28, at the Wilson-Geesey Funeral Home in Montpelier.