Doug Birdsall was installed as International Chairman of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization during the organization’s global forum in Pattaya, Thailand, in October.

Doug is the brother of Brent Birdsall, pastor of College Park UB church (Huntington, Ind.) and of Brian Birdsall, a UB endorsed missionary serving in Ukraine. A sister, Connie, attends a Missionary Church congregation in Berne, Ind.

The forum brought together 1500 church leaders from around the world to focus on the task of global evangelism.

The Lausanne Movement is an outgrowth of a 1974 International Congress in Lausanne, Switzerland, convened by Billy Graham. At that historic meeting, several thousand participants from 150 countries signed the Lausanne Covenant “to be more intentional about world evangelization.” Lausanne’s vision is to energize churches, mission agencies, networks and individuals “to respond with vigor and courage to the cause of world evangelization.” The unifying theme of the Lausanne Covenant and the Lausanne Movement is, “The Whole Church Taking the Whole Gospel to the Whole World.”

Since 1980, Doug Birdsall has served as a missionary in Japan with Asian Access/LIFE Ministries, an organization that focuses on evangelism and church multiplication. He is currently President of Asian Access. He is a graduate of Wheaton College, Gordon-Conwell, and Harvard University. He and his wife, Jeanie, have three children, Stacia, Judd and Jessamin, who were all born and reared in Japan.

Doug returned to Gordon-Conwell in 1999 to help establish the Wilson Center for World Missions, and is seconded to the seminary for 20 percent of his time by Asian Access/Life Ministries

Huntington College has announced a total fall enrollment of 975 students. This is just slightly lower than the 980 announced in 2003. They include:

  • 819 undergraduates (down from 838 in 2003).
  • 96 students enrolled in the EXCEL Program (an increase of 7 from 2003).
  • 60 students enrolled in the Graduate School of Christian Ministries (an increase of 7 from 2003).

The College enrolled 235 new students, including 204 freshmen and 31 transfer students.

During Homecoming at the beginning of October, Huntington College presented awards to two alumni.

  • Lola Lee Peters, Class of 1949, was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Citation, which honors distinguished service and achievement over an extended period of time.
  • Dawn Rae Smith (1968) was named Alumnus of the Year, an award which recognizes outstanding achievement or honor during the past year.

The Laurel Mission Board of Directors met at the Mission for two days in October. Central Conference Superintendent Tom Brodbeck reports that they found two major answers to prayer.

“First, we have been praying about the need for a multi-purpose facility in the community that would replace our former Hodgeboom facility (which was destroyed by the mining operation). It appears highly probable that the local school system will have a building to give for that purpose. If all goes as planned, the Laurel Mission and the nearby Red Bird Mission will jointly oversee this venture. A new board of directors has been formed in the community to help make this happen.

“Second, we have also been praying about the need for additional staff to assist in the work, but have been unable to move ahead on this due to a lack of suitable housing in the area. Thanks to a generous donation from a long-time friend of the mission, we now have an 850 square foot house on site (almost finished). You will be seeing our invitation for resumes circulated soon.”

Tom also noted the death of Rev. Robert Smith, the father of Rev. Ken Smith, the pastor of our Cedar Chapel church at the mission. “Rev. Robert Smith was known in the region as the ‘Singing Preacher.’ In addition to his day job as a coal miner, he traveled the region as an evangelist. He had been ill for some time, and just one day prior to his death the family had finalized arrangements for hospice care. Part of his legacy is that each of his three sons followed him into the ministry.”

Significant progress is occurring on the buildings and other preparations for opening the orphanage for Here’s Hope Ministries in Belize. Much work is being done through Bob Eberly, from Greencastle, Pa., and other supporters.

The 2004 VBS project was the Living Water Christian School in Big Laurel, Kentucky. We are pleased that $11,000 was received.

  • Dan Young has been appointed senior pastor of Crestview UB church in Lafayette, Ind., effective October 7. He had been serving as a part-time interim pastor at Crestview since July 1. Dan will continue on a part-time basis while he finishes some schooling this semester, and will be full-time around the first of the year. He has previously pastored the UB church in Coleta, Ill., First UB in Findlay, Ohio, and Faith UB in Findlay (a church he planted).
  • Dick Case has been appointed senior pastor of Dillman UB church (Warren, Ind.) effective November 1. Dick has been serving as a part-time interim pastor at Dillman since September 1. He previously pastored the Crestview UB church in Lafayette, Ind.
  • Bryan and Gina Converse will be planting a church for Central Conference in the Daytona/Cincinnati area. They are currently in the very early stages of generating support, and welcome the chance to speak in UB churches.

October 24 was the inaugural service for the Cornerstone Community Church (Decatur, Ind.). The Missionary Church congregation in Decatur closed its ministry and has now joined with our United Brethren congregation. Even though the churches have been working cooperatively for several months, this service marked the official transition from two congregations into one new one. Mark Beers, an ordained UB minister, is the pastor of this church.

The Huntington College Board of Trustees voted October 14 to change the name of the institution to Huntington University.

The campus will continue to operate as Huntington College for the next several months, says President G. Blair Dowden. A task force will be appointed to manage the transition to the new name, which will probably occur in mid-2005.

“Huntington will continue to be an institution that stresses the Christian faith and the liberal arts as foundational for our educational program,‚Äù Dowden said. ‚ÄúOur name may change; our mission will not.”

The decision comes after a year-long study.

George Rhodifer has been assigned to the Olivet UB church in New Lebanon, Ohio, effective October 10. He was previously serving the Hillsdale UB church in St. Mary’s, Ohio. Hillsdale will be supplied on a week-to-week basis while a new pastor is sought.