A number of significant changes in the denominational structure will be voted on at this summer’s US National Conference. These include proposals to dissolve the current annual conferences so that the whole US is part of one conference, and the move to make the denomination a membership organization in which local churches would sign a covenant to continue participating in the denomination. The details of these proposals are still being worked out by two committees.

Central Conference is planning two regional meetings to inform members of the churches and give them opportunity for input. The locations haven’t been determined yet, but the dates are:

  • Columbus area: Sunday afternoon, May 15, 3:00 pm
  • Huntington area: Sunday afternoon, June 5, 3:00 pm.

Bill Pitts, pastor of the Lancaster UB church (Lancaster, Ohio) has resigned, surrendered his ministerial credentials, and re-connected with his former denomination to start another congregation in Lancaster. A large number of people who were a part of the Lancaster UB church have left and gone with him. The conference is working to provide an interim pastor for the Lancaster Church.

Everett Bleakney was part of a work crew that went to Jamaica in the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan. They worked on private homes damaged in the hurricane. They constructed a kitchen for one family, repaired and replaced roofing on another home, prepared and poured a foundation on the church extension, and did some interior work on another home. The work crew consisted of Brian Bleakney, James Bleakney, Marrianne Bleakney and Everett Bleakney. Everett is from Ellport chapel UB in Ellwood City, Pa.

The reroofing project at the Daytona Church in Florida is now complete. A total of 30,000 square feet of roofing was replaced on the church buildings. The reroofing project was the result of the damage done by last year’s three hurricanes that impacted the Daytona Beach area. The people of Daytona UB are grateful for everyone who helped on the project.

Marwin T. Simon, 89, a former United Brethren minister, passed away March 13 in Auburn, Ala., where he had retired. Rev. Simon attended Huntington College in the 1940s to prepare for the ministry. He served the Otterbein and Garnett UB churches in Kansas, and Fairview UB church near Hartford, City, Ind., and another UB church near Decatur, Ind.

Pastor Mark Ralph of Sunfield UB (Sunfield, Mich.) reports, “Two years, ago, Sunfield built a beautiful $500,000 fellowship area. This week we payed off our debt and our completely debt-free. We praise God for his provision and for giving the people a desire to give. We are now in the process of establishing an Upwards basketball ministry in our school district. This is a Christ-centered sports ministry.”

Endorsed missionary Ron Anderson sent this report on March 28:

“This year we went to Huesca to a youth event called ‘Mision Posible.’ The organization of the event was tops, as was the preaching and the music program. They had a full team working on the lights, others on the video, and still others on the sound. So when the 750 youth arrived, they were all ready for them. The place rocked with life, love, and a desire to know God.

“Brenda was put in charge of the counseling room, making sure that the designated pastor or Christian leader was there at the appointed time. Many of us were asked to be available one hour a day, so they had 12 hours of continuous counselors available each day.

“At the very end of the weekend Brenda was cleaning up the room and a young lady poked her head in the door. Brenda asked her if she was looking for someone in particular. She said she just needed to talk. So Brenda sat down with her. She then poured her heart out and said that she had for years been putting off a call to serve the Lord, but that now she was no longer afraid to let go and let God take control. ‘I think the Lord is calling me to serve him in the Muslim world,’ she said.

“After many tears and prayer, she left like many of the others with a new zeal to serve the Lord and make their lives count for Christ. Brenda was touched by this because she had prayed all week that the Lord would send her someone just like that. The whole weekend was full of opportunities to bring encouragement and direction to those who were needing it. What a joy it was for us to see this number of young Spaniards together when we remember the early days of the groups of 50s.”

Archie Cameron, 87, was hospitalized for nearly two weeks in La Ceiba, Honduras, where he lives. He was suffering from congestive heart failure and kidney failure. His diabetes adds another complication. Over the last two years he has been hospitalized several times with the same problems.

Archie is now back at his home, but, according to daughter Marilyn Reeck, is not doing well. “His kidneys continue to fail, and he is really miserable.” Marilyn is the primary care-giver. At the moment her husband, Roger, is in the United States speaking at several UB churches. The two sons ,Arturo and Bobby, and families have also been a great support. Archie’s other two daughters are in the US–Heather and husband in Idaho, and Sharon in Texas. Marilyn’s oldest daughter, Christy, is a missionary nurse in Honduras but lives one hour away.

Many UB church members have been to see him and they have been a great encouragement to him and to the family.

Archie still runs his music school, and had recently been practicing his choir for an Easter cantata presentation.