16 Oct The Reecks – Translating in Africa
Roger and Marilyn Reeck, UB endorsed missionaries with Wycliffe, have been spending a lot of time working with Bible translation in Africa. They recently spent two months in Guinea-Bissau, and filed this report after returning to their home in La Ceiba, Honduras.
“During the first part of our time in Africa, we helped train national consultants as the newly built Lendem Translation Center in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. Twenty-two pastors and leaders took the three-week training in linguistics, which included a course in phonetics, which Roger taught. At the end of the course, six of the best participants were chosen to receive further training. We are eager to see this group develop into translation consultants. It was thrilling to see them talk over what they learned as they crafted verses in the Balanta-Naga language.