Many of us have attended conferences at Willow Creek and have been greatly influenced by the ministry of Bill Hybels. Willow recently released the results of the Reveal survey, as they call it, which took a sobering look at the level of life transformation actually occurring at Willow and other churches across the country. As a result of that study, they are making some major changes.

Unfortunately, too much of the information about the reported changes has not been accurate. Bill Hybels finally felt compelled to address the misinformation. He did that through this video, which explains what Willow is actually doing–a mere “strategic adjustment,” he calls it. The video not only clears up the confusion, but gives some good insights into reaching the current generation and the way “seekers” have changed over the years. Willow staff Nancy Beach elaborates in another YouTube video.

When Jesus was ministering to his disciples, the mother of James and John wanted to know which of her boys would enter the Kingdom first. She wanted them at the front of the potluck line.

The issue is control. Churches too often have people who want to control what happens, because they think they know better. They want to decide which table goes first at the potluck. That is carnality.

I had a whole bunch of people at Mainstreet who didn’t agree with me, but we got along and were excited because we baptized another 12 people on Sunday. Give up trying to control what happens in your church, and focus on fulfilling the Great Commission. It’s not about who goes first at potlucks. It’s about lost souls.

Many people in the former Central Conference are familiar with Dean and Marilyn Yocum, who were very active in the conference and, in Marilyn’s case, Women’s Missionary Fellowship. Marilyn passed away on Monday, June 30.

There will be celebration of her life in Jesus Christ on Monday, July 7, at 3 p.m. The service will be at Dublin Baptist Church, 7195 Coffman Rd, Dublin, OH 43017.

Dean has directed that memorials be divided among her three favorite ministries: Global Ministries, Better Way Ministries, and Precept Bible Study.


Anchor Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) co-sponsored a Walk Thru the Bible (Old Testament) seminar on June 28, along with five other churches in their zip code: Presbyterian, United Methodist, Mennonite, Evangelical Lutheran, and Church of Christ. The churches held a joint Vacation Bible School the past two years, but this year decided to try a Walk Thru the Bible seminar instead.

WalkThru_Anchorpeople300.jpgAbout 120 adults attended the event, most of them from the six sponsoring churches. They included 19 people from Anchor, some of whom are in the photo on the right. Folks from probably a dozen other churches scattered around the city also attended, most having learned about the seminar through a newspaper article.

The six churches are all fairly small, with around 100-150 people attending. They all have a heart for reaching neighborhood people for Christ and for growing as Christians.

Earlier this year, Anchor joined three Presbyterian churches in building a Habitat for Humanity home for a nine-person family from Somalia, who had previously spent 13 years in refugee camps. After about a year of fundraising, construction began in May; a number of Anchor people helped with construction. The home was dedicated on June 21.


Pat Jones (right) introduces Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries.

About 50 people attended last Thursday’s “Hang with the Bishop” event. The location was the festively-decorated (for VBS) gymnasium of College Park Church in Huntington, Ind. As with the other three Hang with the Bishop events held thus far (in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan), Pat Jones emceed the occasion, and attendees had the chance to ask any questions they wished of Bishop Ron Ramsey.

Have you seen the new Global Ministries video on the Philippines? Jeff Bleijerveld, the director, put this together using footage from his May trip to the Philippines. It’s quite good, and suitable for viewing as part of a church service or Sunday school class.

There is a lot of activity regarding mission trips this summer.

  • A group from College Park UB church (Huntington, Ind.) returned from a week in Honduras early this morning. Everything went well, and associate pastor Roger Vezeau promises some photos and stories.
  • Banner Church (Byron Center, Mich.) is sending a group of eight high school students and four adults to Nicragua June 26-July 6 (which means they left today). They’ll help complete construction on two church buildings and provide a couple outreach events in hopes of connecting villages to their churches.
  • Michele Vigil, Youth & Disciple Pastor at Hillsdale UB (Hillsdale, Mich.) reports that they’re taking 12 teens and adults to Honduras July 14-21. They’ll stay in La Ceiba, visit a few orphanages and churches in the area, and do some work projects at the Bethel school.

We’re inviting UB people to design a logo for the 2009 US National Conference. We need car racing imagery combined with the name XLR8 (the text-message equivalent of “Accelerate”–clever, huh?). Think Nascar, without the trademark infringements. All the details are given on the Healthy Ministry Resources website

UB pews are loaded with talented people. Know someone in your church who might be interested in designing a logo? Make sure he/she hear about it. The deadline is July 31. And the winner gets a whopping $100. (Several possible designs have come in already.)

Bethany House of the Lord is a four-year-old United Brethren church planting project in Cumberland, Maryland. The congregation emphasizes a simple household approach to ministry and worship. Using an age-integrated curriculum for daily devotions based on the Sunday sermon, parents are encouraged to take responsibility for the discipleship of their own children.

On Fathers Day 2008, Pastor Michael Mudge took vacation and left the responsibilities for leading worship and preaching to the congregation for the fourth consecutive year. This year, the preaching was done by three young men of the congregation…ages 15, 13, and 39!

hirschy_paul.jpgPaul Hirschy, former bishop and now a Huntington University staffer, has been offering the Good Sense stewardship training to UB churches. He recently conducted this at Franklintown UB church (Franklintown, Pa.). What’s this about?

Paul explains, “Willow Creek developed the Good Sense materials because they found that people would not give the time required for the demanding Crown Ministry. It is practical, designed to be done in one day, with six one-hour sessions. However, people are expected to do some pre-session work in preparation for the training.

“The material emphasizes that:

  • God owns it all and we are to be good trustees of what God has entrusted to us.
  • Credit card debt is the most damaging kind of debt, and people need to be very wise in the use of credit cards.
  • People can get out of debt and find financial freedom.

Credit card debt is a huge issue for many people. Churches need to deal with it to be relevant to one of the major problems in people’s lives.

“I like Good Sense because it is easy for people to understand, it can be presented in one day, and the cost is reasonable ($15 per manual, which a couple can share).”

If you’re interested in possibly hosting a Good Sense seminar, contact Paul Hirschy at [email protected] or call toll-free 1-866-213-3710.