08 Oct Leaving UBDom
The South Mountain UB church in Dillsburg, Pa., has withdrawn from the United Brethren church. They do so with our blessing.
Some connections existed between people at South Mountain and at Celebration Church, a local Assemblies of God church plant. Celebration needed a place to meet, and there were conversations about sharing South Mountain’s building. After senior pastor Greg Helman left to become pastor of Blue Rock UB church (Waynesboro, Pa.) earlier this summer, some leaders at South Mountain began pursuing the idea of becoming part of Celebration. I did some checking. Celebration is a good church with a highly regarded pastor.
Bishop Ron Ramsey and I both met with people from South Mountain. We told them, “If you want to withdraw, here’s the proper way to do it.” They followed those steps, which culminated in a congregational meeting on Sunday night, September 28. I was present during that meeting.
Five options were presented:
- Remain United Brethren and let us find them another pastor.
- Remain United Brethren, but become part of a circuit with another UB church.
- Remain United Brethren, but sell the building and become a house church.
- Remain United Brethren, but hire a bi-vocational pastor.
- Join with Celebration.
Of the 52 votes cast, 43 were in favor of joining with Celebration.
South Mountain took all the proper steps. So as of September 28, we consider them to have properly withdrawn from the United Brethren denomination.