21 Apr Easter Story: Lewis Center, Ohio
Dan Kopp, senior pastor, Northpointe Church, Lewis Center, Ohio
At NorthPointe, it was our hope to experience “Not just another Easter.” This, especially in light of the fact that Christmas seems to be the “biggie” in so many lives. Of course, spiritually speaking, for the believer that should be Easter!
As a matter of fact, about a month or so prior, the kids came forward and decorated a “Chreaster Tree.” Plastic eggs were added to the lit tree in anticipation of Easter. We even sang a “Chreaster Carol.” In a later service, a gift was placed under the tree, symbolizing what gifts we’d bring to Him on Easter.
A week of prayer preceded Holy Week. Prayer-pairs hosted nightly walk-in prayer which culminated in a Prayer Gathering on Palm Saturday. On Palm Sunday we handed out Easter eggs with a devotional inside for Maundy Thursday evening.
On Easter Sunday, young cuties in their Easter best collected these eggs in their baskets. They contained gifts of “Time, Talent and/or Treasure” inside. We exceeded our minimum special offering goal for a total of $3000 toward critical improvements for the house on our property (that we’ve purchase for our future worship center).
As you arrived on Easter Sunday, a folded napkin was on each seat labeled “The Napkin’s Still Folded!” with our church name and the date. We celebrated the symbolism that while the grave cloths were strewn about, the napkin that had covered Jesus’ face was still folded! (John 20)
In Bible times, when a master got up from the table and just threw his napkin down, it meant he was done and the servant could clean up. But when he neatly folded and placed the napkin it meant he was not finished. He was not yet done.
It was a packed house with several brand new believers in attendance and several more who responded in various ways appropriate to our invitation. Praise God that the napkin is still folded… He is not done: saving souls, redeeming the prodigals, and encouraging the hurting and oppressed!
And praise His Name–it was not just another Easter. Merry Chreaster everyone.