27 Apr Easter Story: Hillsdale, Mich.
Holy week proved to be a real “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming” experience for Hillsdale UB Church. Three of our families lost five loved ones during the week. Our congregation and community were rocked by an automobile accident which claimed the lives of a young mother and two of her children. Her sister is a member of the church. The driver of the other car also is from our congregation and required surgery for an injury from the accident.
A couple who are leaders in the church had their house burn down the same day as the tragic accident. Other church members ended up in hospitals in Jackson, Hillsdale, Ann Arbor and Toledo.
In one sense the HUB congregation experienced a “Good Friday” week filled with pain, sorrow, and death. But Resurrection Day reminded us of the hope of the empty tomb and new life in a very profound way.
Our attendance was up 20% from last year with over 700 in our three services. After our early service, a single mom and first-time attender received eternal life.
The final service was an Easter musical called, “I’ve seen Jesus.” This was also the name of the theme song which ended the service. In the middle of that song at 12:16 pm, Parker Falke was born. His parents are members of the HUB. The baby’s mother was rushed to the hospital emergency room on Maundy Thursday, because she was several weeks short of her delivery date. So Easter Sunday brought to the HUB new life, one spiritual and one physical.