The Easter season–Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter–is always exciting for churches. There are special events, and often large attendances. Churches do some pretty creative things to capitalize on the Easter season.

So tell us what happened during the Easter season at your church, using this form. Then we can share it with other UBs. Or, just leave a comment with this post.

The annual UB History Course will be offered at Huntington University June 7-10, 2010. All local licensed ministers seeking National Conference or Specialized Ministry licenses are required to take this course.

The cost is $250. Information and registration can be obtained by contacting Lori Garde at the Graduate School or by calling 888-424-7231.

If any attendees need assistance with lodging, they can qualify for the denominational rate at Holiday Inn Express by contacting Cathy Reich or by calling 888-622-3019, ext. 311.

Last Sunday, March 28, I visited the Imagine This UB church in Grand Ledge, Mich. This church was planted just over two years ago. They went through a process of organizing as a full-fledged United Brethren church. And on March 28, we made it official.

I also conducted an installation service for Roy Atherton, who had been appointed senior pastor at the end of January. I charged the congregation with the responsibility of supporting their pastor.

The people at Grand Ledge are mostly new believers. The church is stronger than it’s ever been. They went through the ups and downs of losing their founding pastor, Gordon Kettel, but Roy Atherton is doing a great job of keeping them on course.

Imagine This makes an impact in the community. If they closed their doors, people would notice because of the types of services and ministries they do. They currently occupy a former bank building on a prominent corner in Grand Ledge. The lease on their building runs out at the end of April, but they are working on several different options.

Imagine This holds two services each Sunday—one at 10:30 a.m., one at 6 p.m. They are identical services. The congregation began with an evening service while sharing facilities with several other churches; evening was the only time slot available to them. When they got their own facility, they added a morning service, but kept the evening service since that’s what the people were accustomed to attending. The evening service has always been their larger service, and the services draw a different group of people. I estimate that around 200 people attended the two services on March 28.

They baptized eight people–two boys and an adult woman in the morning, and three teens and two adult women at night. They used an inflatable pool, probably six feet across. People sat down in the water and were dipped backwards. The pool apparently had a slow leak, which became noticeable at night. People came up to hold the sides in place.

The water was very cold. A young boy about 10 years old went first in the morning. As he stood knee deep in the water, he couldn’t go through with it. They ended up pouring water over his head. Both women in the evening service were also baptized by pouring (one worse a cast).

At 3 p.m., they held a concert featuring Seven Day Slumber and another band. The leader of Seven Day Slumber gave a powerful testimony of his conversion. Twelve people came forward to make some kind of change in their lives, not necessarily a first-time conversion, but an altar call. This went until 5:30. That left just 30 minutes to reorient the stage for the evening service, but they were ready to go at 6:00.

The evening service also featured the dedication of the worship leader’s new baby, which brought in some extra families. Since they meet at night, guests were able to attend their own churches in the morning.

I’m very proud to have Imagine This as a United Brethren church. They are doing what I think all of God’s churches are called to do. They won’t reach every type of person, but they are reaching people who need the gospel and are definitely making an impact on their community.

Robert McCoy, a former associate pastor of Jerusalem Chapel UB (Churchville, Va.), passed away March 27. His widow, Shirley, lives in Woodlawn, Va.

Mabel Mundy, who has worked at the national office since 1987 (most of that time in Global Ministries), became a great-grandma this morning.

Mrs. Lillian Iris Kent, 92, widow of the Rev. Archie Kent, passed away Saturday morning, March 27, 2010, at the Columbus Regional Hospital in Columbus, Ind. She was a member of the Rugby United Brethren church in Hope, Ind.

The Kents served Indiana congregations in Anderson, Alexandria, Rugby, Huntington, Warren, New Castle, and Williamsport, as well as in Sherkston, Ontario. Lillian was born in Toronto, Ontario, in 1918.

Both visitation and the funeral will be held at the Norman Funeral Home in Hope. It is located on the southwest corner of the town square on State Road 9.

Here are the funeral arrangements:

Visitation: 4-8 pm Tuesday, March 30, and 10-11 am March 31.
Funeral: 11 am Wednesday, March 31. Rev. Tracy McIntyre will officiate.
Burial: At the Hawcreek Cemetery.
Memorials: To the Aging and Community Services of South Central Indiana.

Online condolences may be sent to the family.

On this date in 1812–which was 198 years ago–Bishop Martin Boehm died. He was 87 years old. Boehm was one of our denomination’s founders. He was the man who preached that fiery message at Long’s Barn in 1767 which caught the attention of our other founder, William Otterbein.

Seven incoming freshmen to Huntington University have been named recipients of the Horizon Leadership Scholarship for the 2010/11 academic year. This is the third year that the scholarship has been awarded.

Launched in the fall of 2008, the Horizon Leadership Program is a collaborative effort between Huntington University and Youth for Christ designed to attract and retain students of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds by providing educational, leadership, and creative outlets.

The Horizon Leader Scholarship covers fees associated with tuition and housing costs for up to 10 semesters through a combination of federal, state, and institutional aid.

The recipients of the award are:

  • Rosa Cruz (San Antonio, Texas).
  • Brianna Lapetina (Racine, Wisc.)
  • Karina Palma (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  • James Pope (San Diego, Calif.)
  • Guiliana Ruiz-Moreno (Chesterton, Ind.)
  • Isaiah Stephenson (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  • Jonathan Zamora (Chicago, Ill.)

Front (l-r): Kathy Bruce, Molly Shull. Back (l-r): Jeanie Helman, Penny Cole, Annette Sites, Stacy Gentry.

This weekend members of the UB Women’s Ministry Team met at Willow Valley Resort in Lancaster, Pa., to prepare for the upcoming Women’s Conference this September. The ladies basked in the sun by a lovely pond (while accomplishing a lot, of course), met with the hotel representative to go over logistics, and sampled a complimentary smorgasbord dinner. Registration for the conference is open and many woman have already registered. Check out to view a short commercial and register your group today!

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team. L-r: Chuck Wheatley, Robert Bruce, Craig Burkholder, Lee Rhodes (chairman), Chris Little (red shirt, back to the camera), Bishop Phil Whipple, Cathy Reich (secretary, hidden), Terry Smith, Dennis Sites.

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team (PMLT) met Monday night and Tuesday, March 15-16. The main agenda item involved pastoral training. The Huntington University Graduate School will discontinue the Pastoral Leadership track in June. That has always been our primary vehicle for training ministers. The PMLT needed to figure out how to replace it.

They settled on a list of 11 core courses for the National Conference license, and 24 core courses for ordination. If no college can be found that offers a particular course, the PMLT may cover the subject through a workshop of some kind. A Masters degree is no longer required for ordination.

Here are the course subjects. If you have questions, ask them in the “Comments,” and Bishop Whipple will respond.

National Conference License
Spiritual Formation Bible Study
Old Testament Survey Mentoring and Time Management
New Testament Survey Christian World View
Systematic Theology Christian Ethics
UB History Church History Survey
Pastoral Care and Counseling Missions
Preaching Worship
Ministry Internship Relationship Building
Evangelism Equipping the Church for Service
Bible Elective Conflict Management
Bible Elective Leadership of a Governing Body
Leadership of a Congregation
Staff (Lay or Paid) Management