03 May UB Women’s Conference – Now Registering
Join hundreds of other United Brethren women for the 2012 UB Women’s Conference. The conference will be held in Shipshewana, Ind. (near the Michigan border) at the beautiful Farmstead Inn.
Date: September 28-30, 2012 (Friday – Sunday)
The cost for the entire weekend–lodging and meals–starts at a mere $109. That’s if you have four persons in a room and register before May 31.
Speaker and Music
The keynote speaker is Chris Boelter, a Bible teacher who is full of life. For ten years, she was a Teaching Leader for Bible Study Fellowship. She will speak at four sessions, developing what it means to lead a life of “Undistracted Devotion” to Jesus Christ.
Also spending the weekend with us is Fresh Fire Praise, a dynamic worship team. We anticipate some wonderful times of worship and singing.
Enjoy Shipshewana
There is a so much to do in Shipshewana.
- Shopping shopping shopping.
- Great food.
- Buggy rides.
- Shows.
Please Promote the Conference Among Your Church’s Women
Please inform women in your church about this conference and encourage them to register. We’d love to see a whole van-load of women from your church!
We have an 8.5-by-11 inch poster you can use. Click on the thumbnail on the right to get the full-size PDF poster, which you can print out and post in a prominent place.
For complete details–schedule, speaker, things to do, costs, etc.–go to UBWomen.org.