
Does the thought of working with Syrian refugees interest you or someone you know? ELIC, our partner in the Middle East and Asia, has a few spots left on their teams going to Lebanon this July. We are looking to fill those spots with United Brethren people. Help share an opportunity to impact the lives of refugees through the power of education! Contact the Global Ministries office if you’re interested.


Ignite is a one-day get-away sponsored by Global Ministries. Through plenary sessions and workshops, you’ll grow in your knowledge and application of God’s mission.

Date: May 7, 2016. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m.
Time: Sessions begin at 9:00am
Cost: $35
Location: Rhodes Grove Camp, Greencastle Pa.


You can register in two ways:

  1. Online. Use the registration form at UBGlobal.org to submit your registration fee using our e-giving link. Select “4-1025 Ignite Conf. Registration” from the pull-down menu and enter $35 in the “Amount” field.
  2. Call: 1.888-622-3019 or 1.260-356-2312.

johnbailey120About Our Speaker

For the last ten years, John Bailey has served as a mission mobilizer in two large congregations in Alabama. In this capacity, he has overseen the distribution of millions of dollars given to missions and has facilitated hundreds of mission trips. John is the author of Journey to a Better Way: a Wesleyan Perspective on Doing Mission Better.

For more information and to register online, go to the Ignite page at UBGlobal.org.

In the photo taken soon after having traveled 40 hours, the team is receiving some pointers on Thai culture and basic phrases.

In the photo taken soon after having traveled 40 hours, the team is receiving some pointers on Thai culture and basic phrases.

Global Ministries associate directors Frank Y and Donna Hollopeter are traveling with a team from Huntington University’s Institute for TESOL Studies (ITS) in Chiang Rai, Thailand. ITS executive director Shoshannah McKinney, along with a group of seven students, are teaching English and practicing conversation in a number of schools and local ministries. Pray their words and actions would be seasoned with grace and that participants will be open to hear the good news of the gospel.


Are you, or is your church, looking for a Christmas missions project? How about providing a bicycle to a pastor or church planter in Nicaragua?

Brown Corners UB church in Clare, Mich., has already made it possible for six pastors to receive bicycles so they can minister more effectively in their rural communities. Three more pastors would benefit from having a bicycle. The entire cost for three more bicycles is $500.

If you’d like to help, send your gift marked “Bicycles for Nicaragua” to:

Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750

Additional personnel are needed for two construction teams going to Jamaica in February 2016.

The first team is the Eden UB Church (Mason, Mich.), which is going to Jamaica the first week in February. They need two persons to assist them. For more information about this, please contact Dwight Kuntz or Martha at the Eden UB Church.

The second team is from Living Grace (formerly Union Chapel) in Fort Wayne, Ind. They are going to Jamaica the second week in February. They could use 2 or 3 persons. If interested, please contact Pastor Gary Reiber for more information. His email is <[email protected]>. Or, you can contact Dwight Kuntz.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Following are some items from Jeff’s report to the October 2015 meeting of the Executive Leadership Team.

Central America

  • All Central American conference leaders and delegates are participating in quarterly training events in order to implement the BILD (discipleship and leadership development) model among their churches. BILD is already being used widely throughout our Honduran UB churches.


  • In Sierra Leone, there are very few remaining cases of Ebola. During this time the hospital has done relatively well. Church planting and the construction of a school building continue in the mission region of Pujehun, and conference leaders have remained in contact with our UB churches in Liberia.
  • On November 10-23, 2015, Jeff Bleijerveld will travel with Rev. Brian Magnus, Rev. Joseph Abu, and Rev. Derek Thrush to be introduced to our newest UB churches in Liberia. From there we will travel to Sierra Leone, during which time we will participate in a ministerial retreat with pastors.
  • The Christian Health Association of Sierra Leone (CHASL) recently facilitated the donation of a new Land Cruiser ambulance for the Mattru UBIC Hospital. Currently, CHASL is providing assistance in writing a grant proposal to USAID to pay for the purchase, and also to complete installation of a solar electric system that would power the hospital. The surplus electricity could then be sold to the surrounding community. The profits from these sales would be used to assist in paying hospital salaries.


  • Jamaica will host General Conference February 27–March 4, 2016. Each National Conference has been urged over the past months to raise funds to send their national leader and at least one delegate.
  • Six United Brethren students from Haiti graduated from the Gamaliel Bible Institute. All six received sponsorship assistance from our church in Fowlerville, Mich., and from the U.S. National Office.


  • We continue to dialogue with Macau churches and staff regarding a ministry redesign. It would focus more on a disciple multiplication model.
  • During October, Global Ministries associate director Frank Y teamed with Mike Cook of Huntington University to conduct a staff retreat in Macau. It included Global Ministries and Huntington University staff from China.
  • Jen Blandin recently completed a six-month Home Ministry Assignment and returned to Macau on September 2, 2015. She will be working to implement a new disciple-making strategy.


  • We are completing the process required to purchase property in Chiang Rai. During our last trip in May, we were introduced to a number of Thai church planters eager for the participation of missionaries in their church planting endeavors.
  • We also continued dialogue with the Chiang Rai International Christian School (CRICS) regarding a variety of joint-venture ministries in the region. We are actively promoting opportunities for educators to teach at CRICS.
  • Brian and Rachel Glunt are on full support and are completing a 12-month internship before leaving for Chiang Rai, Thailand.
  • Ignite, a one-day mission information and inspiration event, is scheduled to take place at Rhodes Grove Camp in Chambersburg, Pa., on May 7, 2016. Considerable interest in attending is being expressed.


  • International Needs works among Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Turkey. This work was promoted during our churches’ summer children’s ministry programs. The children raised some $4800 for the project, and another $2900 came from churches. On top of that, $2200 from the Arnold Bible Fund and an individual donor provided for Action Bibles (graphic novel New Testaments) to be distributed among children in the refugee camps.
  • We recently increased to 10% the amount we charge to project donations (previously 7%) and missionary support (6%). This is providing some help to our general budget and is making up for the decline in giving to our general fund.
  • Seth and Rebecca Mallay are members of Hillsdale UB (Hillsdale, Mich.). They have been endorsed to serve as missionaries with World Medical Mission (Samaritan’s Purse) in Togo, West Africa.

Jeff Bleijerveld (right), Director of Global Ministries

This past year, we formed an official partnership with the English Language Institute/China (ELIC). Since 1981, ELIC has been placing passionately committed Christians in teaching roles across Asia and the Middle East. A number of United Brethren people have served with ELIC, including Global Ministries Associate Director Frank Y.

We are sending churches a packet of information, along with a DVD that contains a short video highlighting our partnership and the opportunity to be involved in either short-term or long-term ministry on ELIC/Global Ministries projects. We recommend that you use it during your announcements on Sunday, November 8, or at your earliest convenience.

Through ELIC, we have the opportunity to send a team of eight UB volunteers to work among Syrian refugees in Lebanon next summer. ELIC’s 7+1 program makes it possible for one volunteer to travel free for every seven that join the team.

We hope that you’ll take advantage of this unique opportunity and present this ministry to your church family. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Jeff Bleijerveld, director of Global Ministries, will lead a vision trip to visit Guatemala, home of our newest national conference. The trip will include participation in their national conference, and visits to local church and project sites.

Accompanying the group will be Mark Wallace, a UB minister from Canada and director of Christian Horizons Global. He will introduce team members to some of their work in Guatemala. They have been our partners in Haiti, providing support to UB schools and the development of small business projects.

Global Ministries is sponsoring a number of other short-term trips during 2016–to Jamaica, Honduras, Spain, Poland, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Sierra Leone.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

We’re preparing for this year’s Thanksgiving Missions Offering. Last year we raised $46,736 for our Antioch Fund to help support the mission efforts of our partner national conferences. This year the United States will focus on raising funds to support our short-term mission efforts. (Canada, our partner in Global Ministries, has its own focus this year.)

While Global Ministries creates budgets for trips, there are always cost overruns as a result of delayed flights, unexpected costs, emergencies, or just being asked by our hosts to do things we hadn’t planned. When these sorts of things happen, Global Ministries absorbs the expenses, since it’s pretty hard to ask for more money once the team returns home.

As a result, we have accumulated a sizeable deficit over the last few years—one we’d like to erase. In addition to wiping out our deficit, we’d like to build up an account to subsidize some trip expenses like medicines and supplies for medical teams, or to help small churches that might lack the base needed to raise funds.

Information is on its way to each of our churches. Churches have been sent a letter and order form for materials this past week. Bulletin inserts will be sent in the weeks prior to the American Thanksgiving in November.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Bishop John Pessima (right) of Sierra Leone provides us with the following report concerning recent flooding in the Freetown.

“You may have heard of the situation in Freetown last week. I was in Bo when it took place and was called by my family to go home because the mission house perimeter wall was badly affected. Part of the wall fell toward the city downhill from the house but fortunately did not damage people’s property.

“Secondly, some of our members in the Western part of the city, particularly Faith UB Church in Lumley, were affected. The children there were in school when the flood took place, but thank God no one was hurt. The teachers kept them inside the church while the classrooms flooded.

“Many displaced people were housed in the national stadium, but this became intolerable for many. So our local churches have been offering what support they can while praying and soliciting support to meet the needs of the displaced and to reconstruct the mission house wall. Please, we need your prayers and support in this very difficult situation we are faced with.”

If you would like to provide assistance for this need, direct your gift to:

Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington IN 46750.

Indicate that it is for “Freetown Flood Relief.”