September 22, 2015
Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries
Bishop John Pessima (right) of Sierra Leone provides us with the following report concerning recent flooding in the Freetown.
“You may have heard of the situation in Freetown last week. I was in Bo when it took place and was called by my family to go home because the mission house perimeter wall was badly affected. Part of the wall fell toward the city downhill from the house but fortunately did not damage people’s property.
“Secondly, some of our members in the Western part of the city, particularly Faith UB Church in Lumley, were affected. The children there were in school when the flood took place, but thank God no one was hurt. The teachers kept them inside the church while the classrooms flooded.
“Many displaced people were housed in the national stadium, but this became intolerable for many. So our local churches have been offering what support they can while praying and soliciting support to meet the needs of the displaced and to reconstruct the mission house wall. Please, we need your prayers and support in this very difficult situation we are faced with.”
If you would like to provide assistance for this need, direct your gift to:
Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington IN 46750.
Indicate that it is for “Freetown Flood Relief.”