The cabinet-making shop at Acts 29.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Recently, I was in the Detroit area looking for opportunities for UB people and churches who are interested in short-term volunteer work in the United States–specifically to unreached people groups in the US. Joining me were Paul Plato, the Missions Coordinator for the UB Church in Canada, and John and Chris Polegato, from the Grace UB church in Sherkston, Ontario.

We visited two exciting locations near Detroit, Mich., where groups are working with urban and ethnic populations. Both are eager for volunteers this summer. Perhaps you or someone from your church would be interested.

John and Chris Polegato, from the UB church in Sherkston, Ontario, plan to spend three weeks this summer with Acts 29. John is an ESL instructor for the Ontario government, and Chris is a Christian counselor.

One is Acts 29, in Hamtramck, Mich.

Acts 29 is presently focusing on a four-square-mile area recognized as Detroit’s second empowerment community. This area includes two square miles of Detroit proper, and two square miles of the city of Hamtramck. This area is home to five major people groups: African American, Polish, Arab, Bosnian, and Asian Indians (from Bangladesh).

The two square miles of Detroit is 80% African American. This empowerment community has some of the lowest rankings in the country in family structure, economics, education, employment development, and housing. The Christian faith is proclaimed by some, but not lived out in any way.

More prevalent is the Islamic faith, which claims 60% of Hamtramck’s population.

Acts 29 is involved in urban, cross-cultural, vocational, camping, educational, and community transformation ministry. They run a cabinet-making business out of their center and rehabilitate homes in the area. Pastor John Meyer told us, “Be prepared for anything when you come to Hamtramck.”

Cost per day for food and lodging is $41 per person.

For more information contact Sharon Buttry, the Missions Coordinator, or visit their website.

Michael Thompson

Global Ministries has added a new project which you may be interested in supporting.

Michael Thompson has been serving as a lay leader at two of our United Brethren churches in Jamaica for the last six years. He is passionate about reaching people for Christ and making disciples, but returning to seminary can be a stretch for a married man with two children.

Michael has two jobs and is prepared to cover 50% of his schooling expenses. We’re looking for sponsors willing to make up the remaining $2500 per year to cover his tuition, books, and fees for the next five years while he attends the Jamaica Theological Seminary in Kingston.

He plans to continue serving the United Brethren churches of Jamaica in the future.

David Kline with the newborn Aiden.

Congratulations to David and Melissa Kline on the birth of Aiden James, their third child. Aiden was born in Hong Kong on Monday afternoon, May 9 (Hong Kong time). The Klines are Global Ministries staff in Macau.

Each year, many UB churches raise money for missions through their summer children’s ministries, like Vacation Bible School, and channel that money to Global Ministries.

This year, Global Ministries will focus these funds on two medical needs:

  • Medicine to supply our medical team traveling to Honduras this summer.
  • AIDS medications for our Project Compassion children in India.

We created a short video and some activities for the children to use that focus attention on the needs and opportunity to share. The video and materials are available on DVD and in print. Or, you can simply visit our website and download either item.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

In early April, the Global Ministries Leadership Team met in Guelph, Ontario, to continue work on a number of strategic measures. These measures include:

  • Conduct a series of one-day regional training events in 2012, to provide a broad overview of what God is doing around the globe and how we can be involved.. These will be done in partnership with the US Center for World Mission.
  • Train and coach church planters in other countries to operate small business endeavors, which will provide funding for ministry and opportunity to penetrate Gospel-resistant areas. The first training event will take place in Sierra Leone in January 2012.
  • Continue collaborating with sister national conferences eager to send their own missionaries and participate in the broader world of United Brethren missions. Already, Honduras has participated in a short-term endeavor in Haiti, and Jamaica has received several offerings to benefit Haiti and the Philippines.
  • Develop a global prayer network to strengthen God’s hand to act among United Brethren ministries around the world through focused prayer. We’ll let you know more about this as plans develop.
  • Hire an additional associate director at the Global Ministries office. This person will focus primarily on all matters related to missionary personnel (recruitment, training, support, etc.), plus small business development and other areas.

To date, Global Ministries has received over $11,000 from UB churches and individual donors to support tsunami relief efforts in Japan. As we promised, this money has been forwarded to Samaritan’s Purse, an organization with which we partner for disaster relief.

The evangelical Christian community in Japan represents less than 1 percent of the population, but undaunted, they are eager to help their countrymen. Samaritan’s Purse is working with churches in Japan providing tangible help with blankets, kitchen kits, and hygiene kits.

In addition to buying supplies locally, Samaritan’s Purse airlifted 93 tons of emergency aid to Japan on a 747 jumbo jet just a week after the tsunami. Their team continues to work with local church partners to distribute essential items to tens of thousands of people in the hardest hit communities.

Transportation remains a big challenge on the road to recovery. Nearly every car in the affected area was destroyed, and the country is facing a fuel shortage. In response to this need, Samaritan’s Purse has purchased hundreds of bicycles that they are giving to churches and evacuation centers, so people can borrow them when needed.

To help displaced families return to their homes, Samaritan’s Purse is providing pastors with small, inexpensive pickup trucks, each one loaded with a generator, power washer, and clean-up tools. Their team is training Japanese Christians in how to do “mud-outs,” and are setting up tents to serve as bunkhouses for volunteers coming from churches elsewhere in Japan.

Bill Fetrow, 58, died Thursday, April 21, 2011, at Visiting Nurse and Hospice Home in Fort Wayne, Ind., after being diagnosed in early March with cancer. He was a former United Brethren endorsed missionary, serving 1979-1996 with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua, New Guinea.

Bill graduated from Huntington University in 1974 with a degree in music, and earned a master’s in music education from Ball State University in 1978. In 1992, he completed a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Huntington University.

Bill had worked for Indiana non-profits since 1998:

  • 1998-2005 as executive director of the Huntington County Council on Aging.
  • 2005-2008 as transportation coordinator for the Turnstone Center in Fort Wayne.
  • 2008 to present as executive director for Love In The Name of Christ (Love Inc.) in Huntington, Ind.

Bill was a member of College Park UB church in Huntington, where he was active in the adult choir, missions committee, soaching Upwards Sports, and teaching preschool Sunday school.

He is survived by his wife Anne, to whom he had been married since 1973, and two children, Benji and Kristi.

Funeral details:

Visitation: 4-8 pm Monday, April 25, 2011.
Visitation location: Myers Funeral Home Huntington Chapel, 2901 Guilford St., Huntington, Ind. 46750.
Funeral: 11 am Tuesday, April 26, with vistation one hour beforehand.
Funeral location: College Park United Brethren Church, 1945 College Ave., Huntington. Rev. Gary Dilley will officiate.

Memorials can be made to Love In The Name of Christ, in care of Myers Funeral Home, 2901 Guilford St., Huntington, IN 46750.

This video features a number of volunteer opportunities for Honduras, Nicaragua and Poland in 2011. The Honduras medical trip is filled, but opportunities for Nicaragua and Poland remain. This video, which runs 4:46, was part of the quarterly Mission Moments DVD sent to all UB churches earlier in the year. Each Mission Moments DVD includes four short videos for use in UB churches. All of the Missions Moments videos can be viewed on the Global Ministries site.

Bill Fetrow, a former United Brethren endorsed missionary, passed away during the night of April 20 at a hospice home in Huntington, Ind. He had been diagnosed in early March with bladder cancer. Bill and his wife, Ann, served in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Translators. They have been living in Huntington, Ind., and attending College Park UB church.

Global Ministries is planning a baseball-themed mission trip to Nicaragua in January 2012. We want to use baseball to build relationships and share Christ.

We’re putting together a team of high-level players who will compete against teams in Nicaragua’s National League during January, their “spring training” time. We’ll practice with various clubs, conduct baseball clinics in some smaller villages, and play games in stadiums. During the games, we’ll invite everyone to an event where players can share their testimonies.

We need players (minimum of 6) and coaches to make this experience happen.

When: January 2012. The trip will last 11-13 days. Final dates will be determined in early August 2011.

Who: Collegiate level baseball players, current or former.

Cost: Airfare + $700. This includes lodging in Granada at a beautiful vacation home, transportation in Nicaragua, food, home/away uniforms, other equipment, and something fun (basically everything!). Homeruns sold separately.

Next Steps: Please email Jeff Dice to indicate you are interested and to get any questions answered. Deadline is August 1, 2011.