The Spain team includes pastors Todd Fetters (far left) and Chuck Malson (standing next to him).

Honduras. The Honduras Medical Team returned to the States on Saturday, June 23, after nine days in Honduras, where they conducted several medical clinics.

Spain. On Sunday, June 24, a group of seven persons left for Spain. They are conducting an English Camp alongside UB endorsed missionaries Ron and Brenda Anderson. The group includes two United Brethren ministers:

  • Chuck Malson, senior pastor of Brown Corners UB church in Clare, Mich.
  • Todd Fetters, senior pastor of Devonshire UB church in Harrisburg, Pa.

Nicaragua. On July 1, a group of ten persons from Monroe UB church (Monroe, Ind.) will travel to Nicaragua, where they will work with Jeff Dice on several different projects for the Nicaraguan UB churches.

Germany. On July 27, a group of 11 persons leave for Germany. Tom and Kim Datema (right), former missionaries in Sierra Leone who have served the Zanesville UB church (Zanesville, Ind.) since 1998, are leading the trip. They will conduct an English camp, working with Galen and Maritta Fiedler, Global Ministries non-traditional staff who serve at a school in Germany. A similar camp was conducted in 2010. Cheryl Lamport, a UB ordained chaplain, participated in 2010 and is also part of this trip.

Donna Hollopeter, associate director of Global Ministries, led a prayer for the new officers elected for the annual Michigan Missions Conference.

The missions conference was held in the tabernacle at the Carson City Campground in Carson City, Mich.

A BBQ lunch for everyone!

About 60 people attended a one-day missions conference held Saturday, June 23, at the Carson City Campground in Carson City, Mich. The event was designed for persons from United Brethren churches in Michigan. This is the second year for the event.

A number of people spoke on behalf of missions. They included:

  • April Dice and her son, Camden, who spoke about their ministry in Nicaragua. Camden told about the baseball team which played and ministered in Nicaragua in January 2012.
  • Global Ministries director Jeff Bleijerveld.
  • Donna Hollopeter, associate director of Global Ministries.
  • Several former missionaries in Sierra Leone, including Julie Burkett, Nancy N’Gele, and Lee and Beth Palmer.
  • Former Macau missionaries Pauline Gibbs and Carlson and Naomi Becker.
  • Sally Hock-Harrison, from West Windsor UB (Dimondale, Mich.) represented a fund which provides scholarships to teens wanting to do short-term missions work. Several recipients of scholarships spoke about their experiences.

Ted Beck, a representative of Samaritan’s Purse who attends East Washington UB church in Ashley, Mich., told about his church’s success with Operation Christmas Child. The number of shoeboxes collected each year has continued multiplying, leading to a collection of 10,000 shoeboxes in 2011. He told of trips to flea markets and other events, looking for items for the shoeboxes, and coming away with contacts for persons who donated items or sold them for, say, a penny each.

Global Ministries is launching an email newsletter called “Global Ministries Prayer Guide.” We invite you to sign up for it.

On a regular basis, you will receive an email spotlighting several ways you can pray for Global Ministries staff and ministries around the world. Each edition has four sections, with a couple prayer needs under each one:

  1. The World. Ways to pray for needs of a global nature, or to direct prayer at a specific country, whether or not United Brethren people are involved there.
  2. International Partners. Prayer needs involving people, churches, and ministries in the nearly 20 countries with United Brethren churches.
  3. Global Ministries Staff. Prayer needs involving Global Ministries personnel serving around the world.
  4. Volunteers and Trips. Prayer requests regarding overseas trips, seminars, and other matters involving volunteers.

You can sign-up for the Prayer Guide here. We will not use your email to place you on any other lists.

Global Ministries partners in Canada provide the primary oversight for ministry in Haiti. This does not exclude US Churches from becoming involved. Our Canadian National Conference simply coordinates our efforts. Here are some updates from Paul Plato, missions chair and member of our Global MInistries Leadership Team.

Updates of Projects and Trips

  • The congregation of the Chevalier church (“Hill Church”) completed the replacement of their roof, which had been blown off a number of times.
  • Croix des Bouquets Church, in the Greater Port Au Prince areas, has been enclosed and a UB school is now in full operation.
  • CH Global is seeking accreditation for our three UB schools–Sibert, Delmas 33, and Croix des Bouquets.
  • Gonaives: Land was purchased by the congregation with some help from Global Ministries, and a church building was started in January 2012 by a Canadian team. They are looking for funds to continue. The Salt Project (see below) is helping to partially fund this.
  • The Herbie Fund has been approved by the Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto. Hermmy Alexis, a young Haitian girl that a Canadian UB team met in October 2011, need heart repair surgery. All of the funds have been raised.
  • The Canadian medical team that traveled to Haiti in October 2011 also met and worked with Pastor Germain, a Haitian doctor who lost his wife, daughter, mother, and brother in the 2010 earthquake. When the team found out that he’d been living in a tent since the earthquake, they took up a collection to allow him to rent a home. A new project has been posted on our website if you would like to help fund his medical work with earthquake victims. (link to “Medical Supplies for Grand Saline”)
  • In addition to the recent team of Canadians that served as a work team in Gonaives this passed January, other teams are preparing for future trips.

CH Global in Haiti

Global Ministries’ joint-ministry agreement with CH Global continues to bear fruit:

  • The Delmas 33 school in Port Au Prince (funded by CH Global and Global Ministries) officially opened October 4, 2010. This is a key step to official recognition of the United Brethren by the Haitian government.
  • More than 200 children are being sponsored to attend UB schools and to receive nutritious food, health care, and micro-finance opportunities for their families. Our current target is to have 500 children sponsored by 2015.
  • “Micro-business” start-up help has been provided to nearly 30 people of low income. Thus far, 100% have paid back their loans!
  • We are working on a partnership to link North American and Haitian churches by providing monthly funds for a “Development Activity Centre” that would provide sports, games, Bible teaching, and a feeding program for up to 150 children. Linked churches would be asked to provide $100/month to support.

Two New CH Global Projects
There are two new, exciting projects that CH Global is sponsoring (details in the pages that follow:

  • “Salt of the Earth.” The Salt Harvesting Project in Gonaives. Some of the profit from this venture will help build a church to replace the one that we lost there and build a new school.
  • “Bread for Life.” This Community Bakery Project (micro-finance endeavor) in the town of Sibert, on the outskirts of Port Au Prince, is still looking for a suitable site.

Billy Simbo (right) and his son Alan have launched a new ministry known as “Love Sierra Leone Now.” Although the ministry has no ties to Global Ministries or the Sierra Leone Conference, it will seek to benefit various denominations and organizations by focusing on leadership development. It is their hope to develop a stronger Sierra Leone through mentoring and training leaders into sustainable and indigenous service for good in Sierra Leone and West Africa. Billy will live in Sierra Leone while his son serves from the United States as the organization’s CEO.

Türkiye Teaser from Benny Krown on Vimeo.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

There is still time to join us for the Seven Churches Tour in Turkey October 10-20, 2012. Dr. Mark Fairchild, chair of the Bible and Religion Department of Huntington University, will be our guide. Also participating will be Rody Rodeheaver of IN Network, Bishop Phil Whipple and Jeff Bleijerveld, director of Global Ministries.

The total cost is $3,595 per person. That covers airfare, lodging in 4-5 star hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, an air-conditioned motorcoach, entrance fees and taxes. Time is limited, so act today.

Just as a teaser, you may want to view the video about Turkey above, which produced by a team from Commonwalk Church of Muncie, Ind.

Elisa Reeck and Matthew Garza

On March 11, Elisa Reeck, the youngest daughter of Wycliffe endorsed staff Roger and Marilyn Reeck (serving in Honduras), became engaged to Matthew Garza. Elisa met Matt at the christian school where they both teach in San Antonio, Texas. The wedding will take place on the beach in Honduras on July 21.

Global Ministries staff sometimes serve in places where Christianity is not welcomed. As a result, we must avoid mentioning their names on United Brethren websites (because Google works everywhere). In some cases, being identified with a Christian organization may place them in danger. In other cases, it may simply get them kicked out of the country or cause hardship for their ministry.

We can be proud that courageous United Brethren people are venturing into such situations. Currently, eight Global Ministries families and individuals serve in undisclosed countries. But we can’t tell you about them.

Recently Kim, a young woman from a United Brethren church in the Midwest, returned to the States after serving two years in an Asia-Pacific country which is closed to Christian missionary work. Kim senses that the Lord is leading her back to America for the coming few years. Pray for a smooth transition back to the U.S. and God’s guidance as she looks for jobs and considers pursing a Masters degree. Pray also for the persons with whom she shared Christ–that the seeds she planted will produce abundant fruit.

Another United Brethren young woman, Anne, is preparing to leave for an undisclosed country. Pray for Anne and her influence in a country where Christianity is not welcomed.

(Even for publishing this vague information, we first got the approval of Kim and Anne.)

The Burtnett family

Partnering with Wycliffe, SIL International, and related organizations, JAARS provides quality technical support services and resources to speed Bible translation for all people.  Their support , including software development and transportation, gives translators more time and resources to focus on language work, and reduces their costs.  As a result, God’s Word can be translated more quickly for hundreds of language groups around the world.

Mike and Jenny Burtnett are United Brethren members serving at the JAARS Center near Charlotte, NC. Mike is a youth pastor to 100+ missionary kids (MKs) who live near the center.  Jenny designs  JAARS’ quarterly magazine, called Rev. 7.  She also assists in the youth ministry.

The vision of JAARS’ youth ministry is to increase missionary longevity and prepare the next generation of ministers.  Nearly one-third of missionary kids will enter church or missions ministry as adults.  Yet one of the leading causes of missionaries leaving their ministries early is because their children’s needs (educational, emotional, spiritual) are not being met. Many of the MKs living near JAARS have recently returned from living many years overseas and need help adjusting to American culture.  Supporting and nurturing missionary families protects the church’s financial investment in the mission of Bible translation.

Harold and MaryAnn Hancock, a retired couple, have joined the Global Ministries staff. In mid-August 2012, they will begin serving at Jamaica Bible College in Mandeville, Jamaica.

Harold spent his career working in various trades–welding, electrical work, plumbing, etc. He will teach those skills at a vocational high school located on the campus of Jamaica Bible College. MaryAnne will work in the college library.

The Hancocks are members of New Hope UB church in Camden, Mich. MaryAnne has been the longtime administrative assistant for the church and the former New Hope Christian School. A commissioning service will be held at the church no August 5.

At this time, the Hancocks have raised 90% of their needed support. If you are interested in supporting them, send contributions to:

Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750

Include a separate note indicating the check is for “Hancock support.”