11 Sep Six UB Ministers Touring Our Work in Haiti

UB ministers in Haiti (l-r): Marshall Woods, Kent Koteskey, Mark Wilson, Brad Kittle, Jeff Bleijerveld, and Bishop Phil Whipple.
Bishop Phil Whipple and Global Ministries Director Jeff Bleijerveld are in Haiti, where the United Brethren denomination has about 30 churches and is engaged in a variety of ministries. Accompanying them are four other United Brethren ministers:
- Marshall Woods, senior pastor of Mill Chapel (Reedsville, W. Va.).
- Brad Kittle, senior pastor of Praise Point (Willshire, Ohio).
- Mark Wilson, senior pastor of Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
- Kent Koteskey, executive pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
They were joined in Haiti by two representatives from an organization called Loving Shepherd Ministries. The group left Monday, September 9, and will return on September 16.