Pastor of Students and Family Life Opening in New Castle, PA

First United Brethren Church in New Castle, Pennsylvania is looking for an individual to join their team as the pastor of students and family life. This person will be responsible for overseeing children’s ministries and student ministries and developing lay leadership for all areas of family ministries. Some of the specific responsibilities include building relationships with students, families, and key leaders in the community, recruit and equip leaders to serve in children’s, student and family ministries, and assisting with the pastoral needs of the congregation.

First UB Church is a church of approximately 150 people led by pastor Marc Stephenson. The mission of First UB church is to effectively communicate the gospel of Christ by word and deed toward the end that people will be saved and become faithful disciples of Christ and responsible members of His church.

Pastor Marc has provided a more detailed job description for those interested in learning more. Further inquiries and resumes can be sent to [email protected] with a subject line that reads, “pastor of student and family life.”


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