January 15, 2025
In July 2025, Fort Wayne, Indiana will host the U.S. National Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Beginning on Tuesday, the 15th, delegates will gather from UB churches across the country to worship, learn, and celebrate together. The business session of the conference will take place on Wednesday, July 16, in which delegates will discuss a variety of proposals, including potential changes to Part V of the U.S. Discipline. Bishop Fetters has formed a select task force to review, study, and recommend relevant changes to this section.
Proposals, which must come from a group or official entity (e.g. local church board, denominational leadership team, denominational task force, clusters, etc.), must be submitted by March 31, 2025, to the Bishop’s office. The Bishop and the Executive Leadership Team will then be responsible for processing and approving each proposal and presenting them to the conference. The timeline from submission to presentation at the conference is as follows:
- March 31, 2025 – Deadline for submitting proposals to the Bishop’s office.
- April 15, 2025 – Proposals are finalized and formatted for the Executive Leadership Team.
- April 29, 2025 – The ELT reviews the proposals.
- May 1, 2025 – A draft of the proposals, as approved by the ELT, is posted on the conference website.
- May 2025 – The draft is discussed in regional meetings. Suggested revisions are noted and, at the Bishop’s discretion, revisions are made to the proposals.
- June 13, 2025 – A final version of all proposals is posted on the conference website.
How to Submit Proposals for Revising the Discipline:
- Submit the exact wording you would like to see used (rather than just a general idea).
- If it is new content, state where you suggest placing it (chapter and paragraph number).
- If it is a revision to existing content, state the chapter and paragraph number to be revised.
- Include a brief statement of the rationale for making the revision. A sentence or two may be sufficient, depending on the nature of the revision.
How to Submit Other Proposals:
United Brethren members may submit proposals that reach beyond revisions to the Discipline regarding the work and ministry of the U.S. National Conference. These proposals must also be submitted by a group (not an individual) and should include specific wording describing what you want to happen.
How Proposals will be Processed
- All proposals will be channeled to the Bishop’s Office.
- The Bishop will determine the best way to process proposals for eventual presentation to the national conference. Proposals may be referred to other leadership groups, and new committees and task forces may be formed.
- All proposals will be presented at the April 2025 Executive Leadership Team meeting.
- Proposals will be passed along to the National Conference delegates, either as proposals for consideration on the floor or as supplemental proposals. A supplemental proposal will not be considered on the floor unless delegates move to consider it.
- No new proposals will be added after the April 2025 ELT meeting. However, revisions can still be made at the Bishop’s discretion until June 13, and later if he feels it is necessary.
Send proposals to Bishop Todd Fetters at: [email protected]. Or mail to:
Bishop Todd Fetters
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750