This month the United Brethren Church is praying for the next generation of Christian leaders and we are inviting you to join us. Here are a few ways you can pray this month:

  1. Pray that God would call the next generation to ministry service.
  2. Pray that the next generation would hear that call.
  3. Pray that you might see those whom God may be calling.
  4. Pray for the courage to have a conversation that might alert a young person to God’s call on their life.

In a recent video, Ryan Koch (Hopewell United Brethren Church, Auburn, IN) shared his story of being called to ministry but not recognizing it until someone else saw it. Watch now.

Who do you see that God might be calling? Have you talked to them about what you see? Sometimes all it takes is a simple word of encouragement to help a young person recognize a calling.

The Ministry Leader Summit took place on the sunny shores of Daytona Beach, Florida, from April 29th to May 3rd, 2024. This year, 31 associate staff members from UB churches across the country with responsibilities ranging from children’s ministry to world missions attended the event.

We caught up with a few of them and asked why they value the summit. Here’s what they had to say:



Keynote speaker Dr. Terry Linhart, a professor at Bethel University and author of “The Self-Aware Leader,” offered valuable insights on leadership. He encouraged ministry leaders to always do the hard work of caring for themselves and nurturing their own inner lives in order to be effective leaders in the ministries to which they have been called. His message resonated with attendees, prompting much reflection and discussion.



Key Learnings and Takeaways

The Ministry Leader Summit provided a valuable space for ministry associates to connect, share experiences, and develop their leadership skills. We spoke with some attendees about their biggest takeaways from this year’s summit:



We want to say a big thank you to Bobby Culler (Mount Pleasant Church) and Craig Mickey (Emmanuel Community Church) for putting together the plans for this year’s summit, and to Cathy Reich (UB National Office) for helping make it all happen.

This event happens every other year and is available for any and all associate staff serving in United Brethren churches throughout the country. The pastor and spouse summits are coming this fall for all senior and solo pastors and their spouses. More information on those events can be found here.

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, we received the news that Mossie Sites, widow of Bishop Wilber L. Sites, Jr., had passed away earlier that day. She is survived by her three children, Judy A. Baker (Mike), Linda S. Etter (Donnie), and Rev. Dennis Sites (Annette).

Mossie was a long-time member of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ and served the church domestically and internationally. While in the States, Mossie and her husband served several UB Churches including Mount Pleasant UB (Chambersburg, PA), Salem UB (Chambersburg, PA), Pen Mar UB (Cascade, MD), King Street (Chambersburg, PA), and Otterbein UB (Waynesboro, PA). Internationally, they served with UB Global in Macau and taught classes at Jamaica Bible College.

Mossie was a strong supporter of missions and got involved in Women’s Missionary Fellowship of the Mid-Atlantic Conference. She eventually served as the International President of the Women’s Missionary Fellowship. 

Information about services and memorial contributions can be found here.