On May 31, registrations for National Conference hit 469, and we’re looking to hit (and pass) 500 very soon. If you’ve not registered yet, please do so soon. The conference rate for the three hotels we’re using will end on June 19, so don’t delay.

Thursday morning of NC will feature three sessions of workshops. Nearly all have now been posted on the conference website. Take a look at them using this link. You’ll find plenty to catch your interest.

Morocco Church is a country congregation located in southeastern Michigan, approximately 10 miles west of Lake Erie and 20 miles north of Toledo, Ohio. We are looking for a pastor who will work with the church and board to help us grow into our next season of ministry.

Our next pastor will possess a shepherd’s heart and be an effective communicator. The ability to work well with a team, build a sense of fellowship in the congregation, and help bring new members into the church are essential. Skill and experience in connecting with young people will be a benefit. It is also expected that this individual will maintain professional ministerial credentials with the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

Morocco Church is a small church. We are financially stable and have a location and facilities which will enable growth.

If this sounds like something for which God has been preparing you, please send a copy of your resume, a cover letter, and a current photo to [email protected].

Prince Street UB church in Shippensburg, Pa., is looking to hire a part-time (24 hours) Ministry Assistant. This person will provide administrative support for the ministry staff and church leadership of Prince Street Church.

Click here for the full job description.

If interested in applying, please send a resume and cover letter via email to Jim Staver, [email protected] or mail/drop off to the church office (17 N. Penn St. Shippensburg, PA, 17257).

Application deadline is May 15, 2023.

Bishop Todd Fetters previewing the National Conference schedule.

Joni Michaud, chairperson of the Human Reproduction Task Force.

Steve Dennie presenting Discipline revision proposals.

About 35 people attended at Sunfield UB church.

About 35 people attended the first National Conference Preview Meeting, which was held May 1 at the UB church in Sunfield, Mich. Bishop Todd Fetters led the meeting. Kristi McConnell reported on behalf of the Nominating Committee, Joni Michaud presented the report of the Human Reproduction Task Force, and Steve Dennie presented a number of miscellaneous proposals for revising the Discipline.

Four more in-person Preview Meetings are scheduled, beginning on May 3 at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind., 9:00 – 11:30 am. Subsequent meetings will be held:

  • May 7 at Lancaster UB church (Lancaster, Ohio), 6-8 pm.
  • May 8 at King Street UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.), 9:00 – 11:30 am.
  • May 9 at Atlantic Avenue UB church (Franklin, Pa.), 9:00 – 11:30 am.

Finally, a virtual meeting will be held Monday, May 15, from 7-8:30 pm (EST).

While ministers and lay delegates are especially encouraged to attend, the meetings are free and open to anyone. You can register online here.

The proposals which will be reviewed can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Beverly Rhodifer, 92, wife of the late Rev. George Rodifer, passed away April 20, 2023, in Livingston, Tenn. She and George, who died in 2010, were married for 60 years. George began pastoring in the United Brethren church in 1972, and served nine different churches in Ohio and Indiana, all in the former Central Conference.

Bishop Todd Fetters has completed a series of nine podcasts about the United Brethren Core Values, which unite UBs around the world. There is an introductory podcast, and then one podcast for each Core Value.

Listen in as Bishop Fetters and Brian Biedenbach, a UB minister, engage in an informal, fun, back-and-forth conversation about each Core Value–it’s meaning, significance, and history.

Bishop Fetters explains, “I want to draw attention to our Core Values as a unifying glue that defines the United Brethren in Christ—who we are, how we interact with each other, and how we engage our neighborhoods and the nations.”

Go here for links to all of the podcasts.

Introduction to the Core Values. (28m)
Core Value 1—We Adhere to the Confession of Faith. (23m)
Core Value 2—We Respect Unity Amidst Diversity. (31m)
Core Value 3—We Seek the Lost. (29m)
Core Value 4—We Demonstrate Social Concern. (27m)
Core Value 5—We Preserve Our Christian Witness. (30m)
Core Value 6-We Protect the Family. (28m)
Core Value 7: We Esteem Each Other.(32m)
Core Value 8-We Link with the Larger Church. (25m)