“UB Connected” Meeting November 3-4

An event called “UB Connected” will be held for the fourth consecutive year on November 3-4, 2019, at Rhodes Grove Camp in Chambersburg, Pa. It is sponsored by the United Brethren Association.

The event begins at 6:00 PM, Sunday, November 3, with a brief UB Association business meeting. We will be voting in 2020 board members. (If you are a member and will not be able to attend the event, please e-mail Christi, [email protected], to request an absentee ballot. Especially important for those more than 2 hours away) At 6:30 PM we will begin our evening service with worship followed by a message from Bishop Todd Fetters. The service will conclude with Holy Communion.

On Monday morning, beginning at 9:00 AM we will have a concert of prayer. We will be praying for 5 topics: Our Global Family, Our Present Pastors and Future Leaders, Rhodes Grove Camp, The Ministry Needs of our Congregations and Our Pastors’ Marriages and Children. The event concludes with a noon meal.

There is no cost to attend sessions. However, there are fees for meals and lodging.

You can register online here: https://ubassociation.wufoo.com/forms/z1q82uri0o49sei/

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