Participants in the dedication service prior to the start of construction. Rev. Kin Keung Yiu, superintendent of Hong Kong Conference, is near the middle in the blue shirt. Missionaries Brian and Rachel Glunt and Milton and Erika Pacheco are on his left.

November 1 was a big day for our missionaries in Thailand–the groundbreaking for the United Brethren Community Center in Chiang Rai. Rev. Kin Keung Yiu, superintendent of Hong Kong Conference, and Rev. Ajarn Adisorn, a pastor in Thailand, joined our missionary team in presiding over a service of dedication and prayer for the safety of the workers. And then, just like that, they got started.

The original building was purchased jointly by Hong Kong Conference and UB Global. The plan was to renovate it into a community center, but there were problematic issues. It was deemed better to just tear it down and build something new. So that is what’s happening.

Each year, the United Brethren Year in Review is published during January. It takes a look at everything that happened during the previous year in the United Brethren world–in missions, in local churches, at Huntington University, at denominational events, etc. This 8-page publication is mailed around the end of January for distribution in UB churches.

You are invited to submit information about something your church did during 2018, for possible inclusion in the Year in Review and/or on Information can be sent to Steve Dennie at [email protected], or send by postal mail to:

Steve Dennie
302 Lake Street
Huntington, Ind.

Or, you can use the form below. If you have photos, that would be great.

Fill out my online form.