16 May 2016 HU Forester Night Awards

Krista Wood and Niles Berry, Foresters of the Year.
On May 3, awards were presented to various members of the Huntington University family during the annual Forester Night. Here are a few of the awards.
Foresters of the Year (voted on by the student body). Niles Berry, a senior social work major from Rochester, Ind., was named the Male Forester of the Year. Krista Wood, a senior nursing major from Waterville, Ohio, was named the Female Forester of the Year.
Paul and Jean Michelson Alpha Chi Outstanding Scholar Award. Alpha Chi members selected Bronwen Fetters, a senior English writing and literature major from Huntington, Indiana. She is the daughter of former Macau missionaries Luke and Audrey Fetters.
Professor of the Year. This honor went to Dr. Tim Smith, professor of non-western history, who joined the HU faculty in the fall of 2007. He previously taught history at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. Smith is particularly interested in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Kashmir.
Twenty-two seniors also were honored by their respective departments with Outstanding Senior Awards, which are voted on by faculty. You can read about them here.
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