05 May Global Ministries Project: $4500 for Train and Multiply
Providing ministry training to village pastors in West Africa presents a variety of challenges. First, many village pastors are unable to leave their families and communities to attend a Bible institute in a large city for a long period of time. Neither do they have the funds to pay for tuition and books. And if they do leave their village and live in the city with their family for a period of years, they may not be willing to return to their small village.
Train and Multiply (T&M) provides on-the-job training for pastors and church members so they can share the Good News, make disciples, and multiply new churches. T&M is not just training for ministry; it is training in ministry. Train and Multiply uses simple, low-cost, and effective New Testament methods to train church leaders.
While T&M is relatively inexpensive to use, training the initial trainers requires that they participate in a training event in the United States. Global Ministries is working in partnership with our United Brethren in Sierra Leone and Liberia to bring a representative from each country to Greenwood, Ind., August 25-27, 2016.
In order to bring two participants from West Africa, we will need to raise $4500. This will pay for their tourist visas, airfare, lodging, and registration fees.
If you’d like to contribute to this project, direct your gift to: TRAIN & MULTIPLY. Send to:
Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington, Ind. 46750
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