23 Feb March 12: Seminar on Same-Sex Attraction and Homosexuality
Brent Liechty, senior pastor, Pathway UB church (Jackson, Mich.)
Pathway UB church is hosting a special seminar on same-sex attraction and homosexuality. We would love to have you join us.
Date: Saturday, March 12
Time: 12:30 – 4:30 pm.
Location: Pathway UB church, 5225 Clinton Rd., Jackson, MI 49201
Cost: $5.
Many of us are not prepared to deal with people facing same sex attraction. The church’s approach has too often been “just say no,” and that is not good enough anymore. This subject is growing in importance to the younger people in our churches, and they are willing to walk away from Christianity or the church over this issue.
How can your church become a safe place for all people? How can we become the first place hurting people run to instead of the last? Is it possible to disagree but still love powerfully?
Our speaker, Beth Pictor, holds a Masters in Mental Health Counseling. She will provide an eye-opening and engaging look at how we can better understand same-sex attraction and homosexuality, and will provide opportunity for your leaders to wrestle with these questions. Beth co-led a seminar on this subject at the United Brethren National Conference in July 2015.
To register your group, call or text Loretta Liechty at 517.499.0374 or email [email protected]. Please respond by March 9, 2015.
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