03 Aug Lake View Starts Major New Addition

Pictured in front of the steel being erected on July 30 are (l-r): Doug Davisson (job site superintendent from Midwest Church Construction), Cliff Iles (Lake View Church project manager), Steve Smith (senior pastor), Duane Knisely (co-chairman of Expansion Team), and Ben Gladhill (associate pastor).
Steve Smith (right), senior pastor, Lake View UB church (Camden, Mich.)
Lake View UB church has been into its Expansion Construction now for six weeks, and we are excited to see how God is moving things along! Our expansion will be in 2 phases.
- Phase 1, the center structure, will eventually be our gymnasium. It should be complete before the end of the year.
- Phase 2 will wrap around the construction of this steel building and offer us plenty of storage, a large stage, a new and large kitchen, six classrooms, a teen center, and a new lobby/foyer.
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