24 Jul 125 Years for Avlon UB Church

Pastors of Avlon UB church. L-r: Current pastor Jason Sheets, David Hedrick, Edward Daley, and Chuck Wheatley. David Hedrick followed Herbie Householder, who pastored Avlon for 40 years. Jason Sheets followed Chuck Wheatley.
Avlon UB church celebrated its 125th anniversary on April 12, 2015, with a Homecoming Celebration. The day began with the morning worship service, when pastor Jason Sheets shared a message titled “Leaving a Lasting Legacy,” with the text being from Proverbs 13:22.
After the service, the congregation gathered in the fellowship hall for a meal. On display were several pictures and items from the Avlon’s past. There was also a 125th plaque that everyone had the opportunity to sign; it will be on display in the fellowship hall.
After lunch, those in attendance assembled in front of the church for a group photo, then everyone gathered inside for the afternoon service. All of the remaining previous pastors shared about their time and experiences at Avlon.
At the conclusion of the service, a dogwood tree was planted in front of the church and a time capsule was assembled that will be opened at the church’s 200th anniversary.
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