
Interested in nursing? Huntington University is hosting a summer nursing camp from July 13 – 17, 2015, for high school students entering their junior or senior year.

The Huntington University Nursing Career Academy is a week-long nursing camp which explores the field of nursing in a hands-on environment. Participants will have the opportunity to become CPR certified and learn basic first aid and nursing skills in HU’s Nursing Simulation Center and classrooms. Campers will also tour area hospitals and trauma centers, and interact with a variety of nursing professionals.

Campers will stay in the dorms with current and past HU nursing students, which will give them a chance to interact with actual students, as well as get the college experience of dorm living.

The cost is $350.

HU Alpha Chi members with the President's Cup trophy. On the left is Dr. Paul Michelson, a History professor at HU, who has long been an Alpha Chi sponsor.

HU Alpha Chi members with the President’s Cup trophy. On the left is Dr. Paul Michelson, a History professor at HU, who has long been an Alpha Chi sponsor.

Huntington University’s Alpa Chi chapter was named “Outstanding Chapter of the Year” at the Alpha Chi National Convention, held March 19-21 in Chicago. There are over 300 Alpha Chi chapters. The award, called the President’s Cup, was first given in 1987…to Huntington University. Only one other college has won the award twice.

Community and campus activities factor into the award. Students also present academic papers at national conferences. HU students wrote on topics ranging from Shakespeare to F. Scott Fitzgerald to pornography addiction.

Membership in Alpa Chi requires ranking in the top 10 percent of the junior or senior class, outstanding character, and a nomination by faculty and staff. Huntington University’s Alpha Chi chapter shows HU’s serious academic competency.