27 Oct Pastors & Wives Summit 4 Underway in Daytona, Fla.

Around the table, l-r: Art and Deborah Page (Salem UB, Chambersburg, Pa.); Gary and Rhonda Dilley (College Park UB, Huntington, Ind.); Annette and Dennis Sites (Jerusalem Chapel, Churchville, Va.); Chris and Keri Little (Mt. Pleasant Church, Chambersburg, Pa.).

Around the table, l-r: Mark and Carla Wilson (Fowlerville UB, Fowlerville, Mich.); Jeremiah and Elisa Ketchum (Brown Corners UB, Clare, Mich.); Bishop Phil and Sandy Whipple; Matt McKeown (First UB, Holly Hill, Fla.).

Around the table, l-r: Jason and Mary Garwood (Colwood UB, Caro, Mich.); Lester and Linda Smith (Hillsdale UB, Hillsdale, Mich.); Marty and Amy Pennington (Mainstreet Church, Walbridge, Ohio); Lisa Fetters, wife of National Ministries director Todd Fetters.
The fourth, and final, Pastors Summit began Monday evening in Daytona Beach, Fla. They will meet through Thursday, October 30.
This event is for pastors and wives from our largest churches, those with an attendance exceeding 300. Last week, pastors and wives from churches of 150-300 attendance met at the same hotel along the ocean. Summit for pastors from churches under 150 attendance were held in April and May.
A total of 22 persons are attending this week. They include 9 pastoral couples, plus four persons from the UB National Office–Bishop Phil and Sandy Whipple, and National Ministries director Todd Fetters and his wife, Lisa.
The group began meeting with supper on October 27. After the meal, Matt McKeown, associate pastor of the United Brethren church in nearby Holly Hill, led the group in worship. Then Todd Fetters led a get-better-acquainted time, during which each person/couple told a bit about themselves.
Bishop Phil Whipple will speak to the group on Tuesday morning, and Marty Pennington, pastor of Mainstreet Church (Walbridge, Ohio), will lead a session on Wednesday morning.
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