11 Sep 16 New Ministerial Licenses Granted

Top row (l-r): Stephanie Farman, Todd Moser, Kevin Poole, Montgomery Seaman, Matteneh Abu, Scott Graham. Middle row: Todd Greenman, Gener Lascase, Chris Soltis, Jason Clarke, Todd Frederick, Mike Mattox. Bottom row: Marvin McNew, Caleb Palmer, David Souers, Nicholas Walborn.
The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team has granted ministerial licenses to the following persons. We welcome them to the United Brethren ministerial family.
Specialized Licenses
- Stephanie Farman, children’s coordinator at Sunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.).
- Todd Moser, Children’s Ministry Director at New Horizons Community Church (Rockford, Ohio).
- Kevin Poole, Children’s Pastor at Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
- Montgomery Seaman, Pastor of Worship & Connections at Mongul UB church (Shippensburg, Pa.).
National Conference Licenses
- Matteneh Abu, from Mount Zion United African Church (Philadelphia, Pa.).
- Scott Graham, senior pastor of Good Shepherd UB church (Greenfield, Ohio).
- Todd Greenman, senior pastor of Morocco UB church (Temperance, Mich.).
- Gener Lascase, pastor of Salem Haitian UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.).
- Chris Soltis, Pastor of Children & Youth Ministries at Shoreline UB church (Oak Harbor, Ohio).
Provisional Licenses
- Jason Clarke, Director of Worship Arts at New Hope Community Church (Bryan, Ohio).
- Todd Frederick, from Sunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.).
- Mike Mattox, senior pastor of New Life Church (Chanute, Kansas).
- Marvin McNew, associate pastor of The Well (Huntington, Ind.).
- Caleb Palmer, senior pastor of Northland Community Church (Traverse City, Mich.).
- David Souers, senior pastor of New Horizons Community Church (Rockford, Ohio).
- Nicholas Walborn, Director of Student Ministries at New Hope Community Church (Bryan, Ohio).
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