This Sunday, June 22, is World Refugee Sunday. Persecution, violence and war have forcibly displaced over 45 million people in the world today.

As millions of men, women and children seek refuge, the pain of their displacement impacts countries both near and far. Often pitied, but rarely welcomed, refugees struggle to survive far from home.

The response to their need requires more than the services of humanitarian relief agencies. It requires long-term recovery work that serves to strengthen community, build capacity, facilitate healing, promote reconciliation, and generate hope. This is IAFR’s strategic part in seeking the welfare and protection of forcibly displaced people in the world today.

It’s worthy to help make your congregation aware of the plight of the world’s refugees, and of ways they can help. A number of resources are available on the website.

Marshall Woods (right), senior pastor of Mill Chapel (Reedsville, W. Va.), writes, “A team in our church is starting a food pantry in the near future. The goal is to be open twice a week. We also recently bought a passenger bus to bring people without transportation to our church. We plan to initiate it for Bible school. God has been very good to Mill Chapel church.”

Screenshots from the UB app on an iPhone. It really looks great on a tablet.

Screenshots from the UB app on an iPhone. It really looks great on a tablet.

Download our United Brethren app. It’s free. And it works on Apple and Android smartphones and tablets.

If you want to go to the Apple iTunes store or to the Google Play store, just do a search for “United Brethren.” Or, just use the buttons at the bottom, which will take you directly to the app on those stores.

When you launch the app, it opens up to the news feed from You can see the latest UB news directly on your mobile device.

You’ll also find many other resources:

  • Information about the UB church–beliefs, history, leadership.
  • The complete UB Discipline and Pastoral Ministry Handbook.
  • Info on each country which has UB churches.
  • Upcoming UB events.
  • Lots of information for ministers–licenses, education, assignment process, clergy finances.
  • A few videos and podcasts.
  • Links to various UB-related websites.

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The Salem youth and leaders.

The Salem youth and leaders. Youth pastor Daryl “Slug” Kissinger is in the yellow shirt.

Salem teens with one of the Jamaican workers.

Salem teens with one of the Jamaican workers.

Another wheelbarrow of cement.

Another wheelbarrow of cement.

The finished product.

The finished product.

Six youth and four adult leaders from the One Way Youth Ministry of Salem UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.), are currently working at Regent College of the Caribbean in Jamaica. The group arrived in Jamaica June 13. They have been helping Global Ministers staffer Dwight Kuntz lay down a sidewalk network that now connects the three main buildings on the campus.

Joining them are five Jamaicans–a foreman hired by Dwight Kuntz, two workers from the college, and two youth from the local Salem UB church in Jamaica. In the first three days of work, they finished the main portion of the sidewalk project. On Thursday morning, they planned to build steps and some stepping stones to connect some other smaller buildings and parking spaces to the sidewalk system.

Says Dwight, “On Thursday afternoon, the group will go to the local Salem UB church where they will meet with, pray for, and hand out food bundles to about 25 families who could use a loving helping hand. These are families from the community that the church wants to minister to in its outreach program.”

The group will leave on June 21.

“They will be greatly missed, as they have been a joy to work with this week,” says Dwight. “They have worked as hard as any group I have worked with over the years. The way they have joined in and worked alongside the locals has been wonderful to see, and I know will leave them with friendships the rest of their lives. They have truly been about what God has called us all to do, ‘Go into all the world and tell them about Jesus Christ.'”


Jay Burkholder, 77, passed away June 17, 2014, at his home in Chambersburg, Pa. He was a member of Crider’s UB church in Chambersburg. Here is the online obituary.

Jay is the father of Craig Burkholder, a cluster leader and pastor since 1989 of the UB church in Hudson, Ind. Notes of condolence can be sent to Craig at:

Craig Burkholder
516 N. Main Street
Hudson, IN 46747

Pastor Tim Hallman (fifth from left) with the baptism candidates and others who participated in the baptisms.

Pastor Tim Hallman (fifth from left) with the baptism candidates and others who participated in the baptisms.

One of the baptism candidates reading her testimony.

One of the baptism candidates reading her testimony.

At Anchor's Baptism Sunday.

On June 1, Anchor Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) baptized six persons. Anchor has held an annual baptism since 2000 at the Stillwater Retreat just south of Fort Wayne. This year they switched to the new home of parishioners Carlos and Linda Palacio, which includes a large pond.

The day started at the church with the regular service, cut a little short. Then everyone headed to the Palacio home. There was a potluck, volleyball, swimming, canoeing, and lots of good fellowship.

The baptismal service was held at 1 pm. Each of the six persons read (or had someone read for them) their testimony of coming to faith in Christ. Then they were baptized in the pond by Pastor Tim Hallman, assisted by someone important to that person’s faith journey.

The Israel group.

The Israel group.

The five UB senior pastors participating on the trip. Front: Tim Flickinger (Lansing, Mich.). Back (l-r): Josh Good (Grandvile), Randy Carpenter  (Sunfield), Darrel Bosworth (Woodland), and Mike Caley (Byron Center).

A little clowning from the five UB senior pastors participating on the trip. Front: Tim Flickinger (Lansing, Mich.). Back (l-r): Josh Good (Grandvile), Randy Carpenter
(Sunfield), Darrel Bosworth (Woodland), and Mike Caley (Byron Center).

As reported on Monday, a group of 60 United Brethren from three Michigan churches are currently in Israel. Here are a couple photos they have posted on Facebook.

Tuesday 1:50 pm update from Jeff Bleijerveld, director of Global Ministries about the medical team in Nicaragua: “I just received a text from Donna Hollopeter. They are at the Ministry of Health offices and need to finalize a few things, but it appears they are ready to proceed. They hope to hold some clinics yet this afternoon if it doesn’t take long to wrap things up in Managua.”

That's pastor Dan Van Arsdalen in the plaid shirt.

That’s pastor Dan Van Arsdalen in the plaid shirt.

The Alvordton UB float.

The Alvordton UB float.


The Alvordton UB church (Alvordton, Ohio) entered a float in a June 7 Gathering Parade in West Unity, Ohio. They made great use of the new United Brethren logo, as you can see in these photos. Dan Van Arsdalen is the senior pastor of this congregation, which has grown from 20 to 70 people since he became pastor in 2010.

The Nicaragua medical team is still without their medical supplies. Customs hasn’t released anything. The Nicaraguan government has laid out some hoops we must jump through, and Global Ministries is scrambling to comply. Meanwhile, the medical team is trying to keep busy with some other non-medical chores (like some painting). Pray that this situation can get resolved VERY quickly.