04 Apr Four Countries to Benefit from 2014 Easter Offering
During the Easter season, United Brethren churches are invited to raise funds for several Global Ministries projects. Most churches take an offering, which is then forwarded to Global Ministries. This year’s Easter Offering will support the following projects. Bulletin inserts have been sent to all UB churches with information about these projects.
HIV/AIDS Ministries in India: $20,000
We have three avenues for HIV/AIDS work in India. These may seem like medical-only projects, but the spiritual work is evident in the lives that are changed early in or near the end of people’s lives. Many have taken baptism and joined churches.
- Project Compassion currently serves 54 children with HIV/AIDS. It provides medical treatment, drugs, education, spiritual counseling, food, clothing, vocational training, and caregivers’ salaries.
- Home Based Care has 70 families who are HIV/AIDS positive. They live in their own villages, but come to the hospital once a month for provisions, medical care, and spiritual counseling. The Indian government provides drugs after we get them registered. During the month, workers visit the villages to check on the patients’ progress.
- The Care and Counseling Center, with 20 beds, treats various ailments. It may involve surgery or treating any infections in the final stages of life. The ages range from 1-50 years. The Indian government withdrew funding for this project. In 2013 we started asking patients to pay, in full or in part, for the drugs they need. If they can’t pay, we provide them.
Leadership Development in Mexico: $15,000
The leaders of our 45 churches in Mexico have limited resources for training. Most pastors are bi-vocational, so training takes place through non-formal learning, periodic seminars, and the internet.
Denis Casco, our bishop in Mexico, is training these new United Brethren pastors but needs financial resources to accomplish the task. Your gifts will help buy materials, conduct training events, and cover some of Denis Casco’s expenses.
Conference Center in Nicaragua : $10,000
The new conference center in Masaya is nearly completed. It will provide classroom space, dining facilities, and lodging for 48 persons. In addition, it will be used by volunteers and outside groups to provide income for Nicaragua Conference.
Hospital Renovations in Sierra Leone: $15,000
The United Brethren Mattru Hospital is the only hospital for hundreds of miles. It offers medical care to hundreds of people each month while also sharing the Gospel with them.
In 2013, we repaired vehicles and began renovating a guesthouse and doctor’s quarters. We’d like to finish these projects and continue upgrading the facilities at Mattru Hospital.
We invite you to give toward these projects through your church, or by sending a check directly to Global Ministries:
Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750
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