Feb 8 Update on Charles Malson Sr.

Beth Palmer sent the following on Friday morning, Feb. 8, concerning her dad, Charles F. Malson, Sr. Rev. Malson, a retired UB minister, is at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich.

“Grandpa is more alert today. Spent a fairly good night and needed some pain meds. Trach area and legs still an issue when it comes to pain. His digestive system is processing nutritional liquids, so they intend to add more again today.

“He is breathing longer periods with no assistance from the vent; however, it is available as a backup. This helps to strengthen the diaphragm that took a break from its task. The other muscles associated with breathing are also adjusting to working again.

“The abdominal mass is smaller, so the doctor said today that it is most likely as they suspecteed, fluids and blood that went to the wound area and still need to go away on its own.

“Daddy sat up longer yesterday in a chair. He was taken there by the assistance of a sling and relocated in his bed again by this amazing motorized device. Technology is wonderful when used for good.

“He is consciously lifting his own legs and working on lifting his arms a bit when requested. He looks more like himself with fewer bruises and less swelling.”

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

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