Feb. 4 Update on Charles Malson, Sr.

Charles Malson, Sr., remains in ICU at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich. Son Steve, a former UB minister, writes, “He is going to have another surgery around 2 pm on Monday. It will be extensive. Please pray for us, my mom and my family, because this is a very difficult time for the whole crew. Daddy is a very sick man.”

Cards can be sent to:

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

UPDATE (7:30 pm): Chuck Malson posted this on Facebook: “Ok, so here’s the latest on Pop. He didn’t need the more extensive surgery that we feared he needed after Saturday’s ct scan. The dark mass appears to be blood, not infection, since his blood cells etc. are all going the right direction. So, the surgery today was to insert a tracheotomy in order to make it easier on him to breathe. The doctor is very pleased with his progress. The trach will stay in for a couple weeks and another ct scan will be taken later to double check his progress. Thanks for all your prayers.”

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