Jan. 30 Update on Charles Malson, Sr.

Charles and Doris Malson

Charles and Doris Malson

Chuck Malson passed along this information about his father, Charles Malson, Sr., who has been in the hospital since Friday, January 25. “He is responding a little more lately. He seems to be more aware of his surroundings. Still not awake fully and that may be a good thing, since he isn’t breathing on his own, yet.”

Beth Palmer wrote the following update on Wednesday, Jan. 30: “Daddy is still in a coma. He has shown some signs of coming around today. His breathing test indicated he wasn’t ready, so they couldn’t remove the ventilator. He isn’t awake enough to fight the tubes, and that is fine with us. They have taken cultures, etc., to see why he has a slight fever. They put in a pick line a few minutes ago, have taken the ex-rays, and plan to take out the central line if the pictures indicate a good line.

“Lots of our family and many friends have dropped by to support my mom and the rest of us here during this difficult time. My mom was looking at the list of those we knew who had come to visit, and the list contains 70 different names. We didn’t think to keep the names of those who have called or sent texts. We appreciate everyone so much. Please keep us in our prayers as family and friends travel to and from the hospital when you pray for daddy.

“Maybe it would be a good idea to pray for him to progress enough to be taken off the ventilator. His body continues to heal, and the doctors are pleased with his progress. The lead surgeon said we should not despair. Daddy is getting amazing care here at Sparrow Hospital.”

Cards can be sent to:

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

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