Goodbye to Elizabeth Holtrop

Lots of thread for Elizabeth

Elizabeth opening her parting gifts. (click to enlarge)

Food is required whenever someone joins or leaves the staff.

On February 2, Elizabeth Holtrop concluded 8 months of service on the Healthy Ministry Resources staff, working in the bookstore. During that time, she shipped hundreds of boxes of Sunday school literature and other items to churches across the country. But she decided to move to Indianapolis, sharing a house with her brother and sister and making her way in Indiana’s  Big City.

The staff said goodbye to her with a Pizza Hut meal brought to the office. Since she likes to sew, she was given several gifts of thread and other related items.

Elizabeth graduated from Huntington University in 2011 with a degree in History and Political Studies. Her father, Steve, is dean of the Huntington University Graduate School.

It was a joy to have Elizabeth with us, with her big smile and eternally sunny disposition. We wish her well.

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