JumpStart — Getting to the Field Fast and Cheap

Our friend Kim (last name withheld for security reasons) serves in Asia as a member of the Global Ministries Jump Start program, a new program which enables people to get overseas quickly and inexpensively. She shares that the past semester of teaching at a university went very well and that she and her roommate are traveling with three students, seeing sights, and enjoying the New Year’s celebrations.

Kim sent along this shot from their commute. And you thought your drive to work was challenging!

Kim is currently the only participant in JumpStart. However, an older couple will go to Jamaica in the fall of 2012 as part of JumpStart.

With JumpStart, you don’t need to raise the “big bucks” typically required of career missionaries–salary support, benefits, living expenses, etc., over a multi-year period. JumpStart keeps costs low, so that you get to the field sooner. Participants benefit from an extended ministry experience in an overseas setting to see if this is what they’d really like to do with their life, without being required to make a long-term commitment.

JumpStart may be a great opportunity for someone in your church who may be considering a call to missions. Global Ministries welcomes other applicants for JumpStart. You can learn more about JumpStart on the Global Ministries site.

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