An Audit of Your Church’s Website

Terrell Sanders is president of MainStreetOpen, a web development company that played a major role in creating and Last week he sent out a “Website Audit Checklist.” He recommends taking a good look at your church website a couple times a year, and there’s no better time than at the beginning of the year.

  • Verify that your contact information is still accurate. We’re talking church name, address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.
  • Verify that the content is current. Go through all of your pages. Is there info that needs to be deleted or updated?
  • Verify that your staff information is current. Check names, phone extensions, emails, family descriptions, etc. Is it time for new staff photos?
  • Verify that all links work. This means links to pages in your own site (including all navigation links), and links to other sites.
  • Verify that all programming works. Test functions like contact forms, database lookups, and other bells and whistles.
  • Make a site backup. Store it on a CD or a different server than the one which hosts your website.
  • Check for security updates. If you use a content management system, the software may need some security updates.
  • Most important: Verify that your site still makes a good first impression. Many potential visitors will check out your website before coming for a visit.
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