16 May Prayer Needed for Pastor Norm Pickett
Gaylon Overmyer, a laymen from Bethel UB of Elmore, Ohio, called the national office Monday morning. He said their pastor, Norm Pickett, suffered a heart attack on Thursday, May 12. We have since learned that he’s doing fairly well at this point. But you can still pray for the Pickett family and the Bethel congregation.
Update 4 pm Monday Afternoon
Rev. Pickett had a heart catheterization today. There was just one blockage, just past one of his bypasses. It was an 80% blockage and they were able to put in a stint. He will be kept overnight and then should be ready to come home. The family was quite relieved that this was all there was to report.
Thomas Skayhan
Posted at 10:11h, 16 MayI will pray for Pastor Norm Pickett and His family.