November 4, 2010
Marilyn Reeck sent the following message on Wednesday, November 3. She and her husband, Roger, are missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators and part of the Global Ministries endorsed staff.
We were in Guinea Bissau in September. We returned to Dallas in October to attend workshops at the Wycliffe center there. It had been decided that Roger should return to Africa to finish the consultant checking that he had started (the book of Luke in Caravela) and to mentor a new translation consultant.
Our daughter Amanda, who is a 4th year medical student, was there in Guinea Bissau finishing a rotation at a mission hospital.
Roger arrived early on Saturday, and a few hours later experienced flashing lights in one eye and since then has been having “floater” episodes and some pain. Amanda consulted with others and did research and determined that the most likely prognosis is a “posterior vitreous detachment” which could lead to a complete retinal detachment. After seeking advice from our bosses and others, we decided that Roger should leave on the next flight out. He will be flying to Portugal and will arrive very early tomorrow morning. Amanda is accompanying him.
We contacted a missionary in Lisbon who will pick them up at the airport and help them find a doctor.
We appreciate your prayers. We praise the Lord that the condition has not progressed rapidly.
UPDATE (11:25 am Thursday, Nov. 4):
They arrived safely and a few hours later made it to a hospital and were quickly seen by a doctor who speaks English!
The doctor declared that Roger does suffer a posterior vitreous detachment (tear), but so far the retina is not detached. There is a possibility that this could lead to a detachment, so she advises that for the next few weeks he remain close to adequate medical care.
She gave him permission to travel, so he will return to the US and is trying to change his ticket.