April 9, 2010

The crowd at Colwood church awaits the arrival of the helicopter with Easter eggs. (click to enlarge)

The helicopter dropping eggs. (click to enlarge)

Blue-shirted Colwood volunteers.
When Colwood UB (Caro, Mich.) announced that they would host a free community Easter Egg Drop, Pastor Jon Herron was praying that 1000 people would show up. Caro is a town of 4500, so that would make a pretty good percentage.
What a surprise when 5000 people came! Cars poured in from Birch Run, Bay City, Saginaw, Bad Axe, and elsewhere.
As the crowd watched, a helicopter flew over the grounds and dropped over 10,000 plastic eggs onto the field. Each egg contained such items as candy, toys, and free iPod certificates.

Pastor Jon Herron with wife and son.
The egg drop was designed for kids age 12 and under. Local fire trucks, EMTs, and sheriff’s deputies were on hand, and kids could also enjoy inflatable games.
Pastor Herron wrote on his blog, “God multiplied our hopes and dreams by five. I can imagine the Father hearing our prayers and saying, ‘Hey, Jesus and Holy Spirit, circle around and watch Me do this!'”
A group of 135 volunteers helped make it a big success. Pastor Herron writes, “It was awesome walking around Saturday morning with nothing to be in charge of. Our staff and volunteers had everything mapped out–my role was simply to cheerlead!”
Unfortunately, there weren’t enough eggs. They prepared 10,000, but that was in anticipation of 1000 participants. Many kids didn’t get any (including the pastor’s own three-year-old). So for next year, Pastor Herron says, they’re looking at 100,000 eggs, bigger fields, and multiple drop times with different age groups to make sure nobody goes home empty-handed.
On Sunday morning, 850 people attended the multiple worship services. And 19 persons stood from their seats and prayed to receive Christ!