21 Nov Momentum
One blog I follow is by Tim Stevens, administrative pastor of Granger Community Church near South Bend, Ind. They’re doing a one-day Catalyst conference, with Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel. Stanley began the day by talking about momentum. Stevens provided some notes from that session, including this statement:
Momentum = forward motion fueled by a series of wins.
I’ve been thinking about that in two contexts:
- the local church (including my own church, Anchor).
- the United Brethren denomination as a whole.
Throughout my lifetime, I’ve heard people say, especially when things aren’t going well, “What we need is revival.” When things aren’t going well, the answer is the same: revival. That’s true to an extent, and it always sounds exceedingly spiritual, especially when embedded in a prayer. But what does it look like? What exactly are they praying for?
It seems like they’re too often praying for One Big Win, a giant divine intervention that will get everybody doing what they’re supposed to be doing. This does happen, but it’s elusive.
Instead of waiting for revival, what are some small wins my church can pursue? Putting several small wins together is like gradually pushing the accelerator. You build momentum.
At the denominational level, Pat Jones, as Director of Healthy Church Ministries, has been working with a few local churches at a time. He does a weekend consultation, then meets with the pastor once a month for a year. As a result, churches have turned around or been propelled forward. It’s not flashy, but it’s a series of wins.